Friday, January 24, 2014

Playing with a Ouija board is dangerous, advise on what you can do.

First and foremost, do not play with Ouija boards. Although they are marketed as a game they are serious business. They can open doors that can be very hard to close. Here is what you need to do;

1)Try very hard to show it you are not afraid of it. It will thrive of your fears. Do not verbally assault it, that will let it know you are afraid and make it mad to boot.

2)Pray to God for protection against evil and negative energies

3)Take control of your home. Tell it in the name of God it has no authority in your home or over you personally. If it is bothering you tell it to stop and leave. Be firm but not hateful.

4)Go to your local church and ask for Holy water or get a friend to get it for you. Then sprinkle it around the room while praying. Keep praying this prayer or one similar.

Sample prayer
I ask you to bless this place in the name of my God; Jesus Christ.
I ask You Lord Jesus Christ to secure your blessing and spiritual protection while we your children stay and live here,
clean it with Your Holy Blood, fill it with your white light of protection and let it be made clean for me, my family and my friends.
Let only thy Holy Ghost and Holy Angels of Heaven be here with us! Thanks you for your blessings.

Hope this helps, wish I was close enough to come out and help.
Alan Lowe
Director of Investigations / Co Founder

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