More in the shit you just can't make up files...I made a video to send to a producer, just me chatting about Ghoul b Gone, at 2:40 into it, I spray the GbG and the color on the screen changes completely
Monday, November 26, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Paravizionz uses Ghoul B Gone to investigate Middletown TV
About this episode
October 25, 2012. Please join us and the members of ParaVizionz for this special after-hours visit to the TV Middletown Building. The building is located on the site of Port Middletown, where canal boats would dock as they traveled up and down the Miami Erie Canal (Verity Parkway sits atop the filled canal). Port Middletown, in addition to having warehouses for goods to be shipped and received, had its share of saloons and bawdy houses and fights and disorder and worse, leading to stories about its residents and visitors which have been passed down through the years. Could some of these denizens of the dock still be residing the area? Watch and find out. Recorded during August 2012 in the TV Middletown Building.
Notice, the use of Ghoul B Gone during the investigation
Watch Here
Friday, October 12, 2012
Do you have ghouls? QUIZ
I have made a quiz, it should provide you with a bit of insight. Please feel free to share you results!
Take quiz CLICK HERE!
Take quiz CLICK HERE!
No I can not forgive them.
No I can not forgive them.
by Kimberli Ridgeway, D.N.H.
As you may know, I do healing work with individuals. One of the most difficult issues to come across when in a session is forgiveness. The person I am working with tells me about something in their past that happened to them that was horrific. As they tell me, I ask them, “Can you forgive the person who did this to you?” And when they, who came to me for healing, answer usually with tears rolling from their eyes, “No, I can not forgive them!.” That is one of the most powerful moments, that they let slip right by them. I always hope for and do get different answers, such as, “ It will be difficult, but I will try.” Or “Yes, I am ready to forgive them.” With the last two answers, the healing session proceeds, and the healing energy continues.
I have asked myself, why does someone who is looking for healing, hold on to such powerful anger? I have come to a few conclusions from my observations. One, the pain they hold, they choose to hold. The pain defines them. When they think of the situation, they seem to be unable to stay in the now moment where they are safe. Their mind takes them right back to the horror as if it is happening right at that moment. So they relive again, again and again. It is helpful to take my client thru exercises that help their mind come into the now moment. Now, right now, everything is perfect. Now, right now, everything is beautiful. When you think of the future there is worry, when you think of the past there is anger and regret. Stay in the now, as no one is traumatizing you right now.
Another reason to hang on to the anger is to continue to play the victim role. BLAME!!! Blame is such a low frequency to allow yourself to reside in. Those who play the victim role are difficult to be around and do not realize how they hurt themselves with this point of view. Things happen, people are mean, rude, and cruel. They often do things for no reason other than they can to feel as though they have power. To allow yourself to still be victimized by their actions is allowing them to continue to have power over you.
We all incarnate here with different lessons to learn. This is to evolve our soul. To learn, to grow to expand who and what we are. If you have done something to harm another, forgive yourself. Work on not being that person anymore. If someone has harmed you, no matter what they did, forgive them. It will empower you, it will free you. Best of all, that will be a lesson learned as the universe has a way of repeating these lessons until you learn them.
I use gem essences in my healing work. They help to release the blockages that we no longer need to carry. Feel free to order some for yourself at,
by Kimberli Ridgeway, D.N.H.
As you may know, I do healing work with individuals. One of the most difficult issues to come across when in a session is forgiveness. The person I am working with tells me about something in their past that happened to them that was horrific. As they tell me, I ask them, “Can you forgive the person who did this to you?” And when they, who came to me for healing, answer usually with tears rolling from their eyes, “No, I can not forgive them!.” That is one of the most powerful moments, that they let slip right by them. I always hope for and do get different answers, such as, “ It will be difficult, but I will try.” Or “Yes, I am ready to forgive them.” With the last two answers, the healing session proceeds, and the healing energy continues.
I have asked myself, why does someone who is looking for healing, hold on to such powerful anger? I have come to a few conclusions from my observations. One, the pain they hold, they choose to hold. The pain defines them. When they think of the situation, they seem to be unable to stay in the now moment where they are safe. Their mind takes them right back to the horror as if it is happening right at that moment. So they relive again, again and again. It is helpful to take my client thru exercises that help their mind come into the now moment. Now, right now, everything is perfect. Now, right now, everything is beautiful. When you think of the future there is worry, when you think of the past there is anger and regret. Stay in the now, as no one is traumatizing you right now.
Another reason to hang on to the anger is to continue to play the victim role. BLAME!!! Blame is such a low frequency to allow yourself to reside in. Those who play the victim role are difficult to be around and do not realize how they hurt themselves with this point of view. Things happen, people are mean, rude, and cruel. They often do things for no reason other than they can to feel as though they have power. To allow yourself to still be victimized by their actions is allowing them to continue to have power over you.
We all incarnate here with different lessons to learn. This is to evolve our soul. To learn, to grow to expand who and what we are. If you have done something to harm another, forgive yourself. Work on not being that person anymore. If someone has harmed you, no matter what they did, forgive them. It will empower you, it will free you. Best of all, that will be a lesson learned as the universe has a way of repeating these lessons until you learn them.
I use gem essences in my healing work. They help to release the blockages that we no longer need to carry. Feel free to order some for yourself at,
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Are you a Spiritual Soldier?
Ancient Templates of Wisdom
Monthly Teleconferences
October 19th, 1pm MST:
Are you a Spiritual Soldier?
Join me and my guest Dr. Kimberly Ridgeway in our discussion about being a Spiritual Warrior. We will be addressing the following:
How to know if you are called to being a spiritual warrior?
We are only a tool, a conduit for Spirit
Tools: physical tools, spiritual tools (like the Templates), your body
What trials do Spiritual Warriors go through?
Collaboration, being willing to learn, being open to walking away
Avoiding ego
To learn more about Dr. Kimberly Ridgeway and her work, visit these websites:
Friday, September 21, 2012
Forms of Exorcisms Event
Have you ever wanted to know more about entities, attachments and exorcisms? This is your chance to learn from a Master, Starr Fuentes. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.
There are many people who have lost their physical bodies and exist as entities on the earth. There are entities who live with or through humans and those who are attached to land, a house, or personal possessions. Especially when somebody died and felt confused, or died with heavy emotions, he or she searches for a human to continue to experience physical life.
Double Service
Through so called "exorcism" techniques, entities get the opportunity to finally and safely reach the light. Once in the light, an entity's bond to the earth is dissipated. Setting a person free from entities provides a twofold service:
*The human is liberated from the subtle and direct influences and continues life in hos own energy.
*The entities are untied from the earth plane and go on with their spiritual evolution.
Symptoms that occur when a human life force is shared with entities:
*memory lapses
* incongruent behavior
* buying things which one does not use
* alienating friends and partners and not knowing why
* having two or more opinions on everything
* depleted energy
This event is an awesome occasion to join Starr Fuentes, Master Healer, Spiritual Teacher, author, and psychic. Study with her these sacred teachings passed on thru generations of sages! Walk your path with the ancient traditions and dedicate your life to be of special service to others!
To purchase your ticket for this event go to:
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Ancient Healing – Essential Oils
Ancient Healing – Essential Oils
by Trisha Springstead

From The Dark Ages
There is a time honored traditional use of Essential Oils that reaches back through great antiquity. The dark ages, from the year 500 to 1000 signaled devastation for medicine – Greek and Roman medicine were declared to be heresy.
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind
Between the 6th and 16th centuries “bleeding” was used for everything to prevent toxic imbalances, sexual desires and to restore “humors”. It killed tens of thousands each year.
The losses of scientific learning through the burning of books set back humanity as much as 2000 years. (Pythagoras had come up with the idea that the earth revolved around the sun 600 BC, but that information did not re-arise until the sixteenth century when Galileo re-introduced it.) Old wise healing women were targets for witch hunters in a newly male dominated society where women healers using their knowledge of medicinal herbs provided more effective medicines at more affordable prices than anywhere else. These women, who called upon God and the healing properties of herbs and oils were condemned for the magical nature of their healing – and for the power and respect these women earned in their communities.
John Stearne wrote “Men rather uphold them and say why should any man be questioned for doing good.”
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind Because Each Century Looks Back Upon The Last Centuries and Pronounces it So
And yet each century of Modern Medicine is authoritarian in its demand that Traditional Medicine and Alternative Medicine can’t cure what’s wrong with people.
The knowledge held by so many women was suppressed and deemed witchcraft. To this day we suffer from the CDC and the FDA from the age long influence of condemnation against what works. This condemnation comes from those who stand to make the most money by continuing to suppress it: the AMA and the huge drug companies. Now more quietly, now with less physical brutality, they continue to condemn – and yet the community still turns to us, because they know that what we do works.
Even When it Works, Even When They See Proof With Their Own Eyes They Deny It Simply Because They Do Not Understand It
In 1590 The Archbishop of St. Andrews had heard of a healing woman from Byrehill named Alison Peirsoun. He called upon her for help and she cured the Archbishop, but afterward he not only did not pay her, but had her burned to death for witchcraft.
As the field of medicine was transferred 100% into the hands of men the knowledge possessed by of women healing was virtually destroyed. Even to this day the virtues of what medicines occur in nature are condemned.
And so now, as then, we turn to Essential Oils for what they are, we look to where they came from, and see how we have advanced from the earliest times (before herbal oils were pressed or distilled) and we had to rely upon the mere smoke from these smoldering herbs to restore balance and effect well being.
This section of the site is about Essential Healing Oils in Modern Times
Plant use for medicinal and ceremonial purposes existed in many cultures for thousands of years. Many of the healing properties we now know come from these traditional uses of what were once considered sacred plants.
In English “Health” and “Holy” (be whole) and in German Heil (health) and Heilig (holy) are even closer to see.
Six thousand years ago early Europeans discovered how to extract oils from certain plants by pressing them. As man began to settle he found powerful help in healing through the process of making ointments. From the Egyptians to the ancient Chinese; Coriander, Myrrh, Juniper, Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary, Aspic and other pressed and distilled oils saved millions of lives, and the properties of Essential Oils were so greatly respected that they were even used in anointing kings.
In 1557 Adam Lonißer published “Adam Loniceri Kräuter Buch und künstliche Conterfeyungen sammt der Kunst zu Destillieren”, much of which dealt with the distillation of Essential Oils and their medicinal aspects.
He wrote about and documented the properties of Essential Oils of Mandrake, Saffron, Aloe, Coriander, Thyme, Hyacinth and many more.
In spite of the repression and denial over the centuries Modern Medicine used many of the original plant extracts that Complimentary / Alternative Therapies still uses today. One of the main differences between them is that Modern Medicine is over-extracting and over-refining very specific molecules while disregarding other naturally occurring compounds found in the plants. This over refinement and super concentration has the same effect as substituting pure vitamins in place of food. What the body needs it cannot take, so it has forced upon it just one or more particular powerful drugs which do not allow the body’s own “locks” (the chemical receptors) to be filled with the “Keys” (the multitude of choices offered by the plants essential oils) which would result in balanced, natural healing.
Instead there is a partial relief of symptoms with an imbalance created, just like fixing just one wall of a falling house so that the rest of it still stands, but is lopsided and remains in danger.
Trisha Springstead’s Focus is on Complimentary Healing
Homeopathy and acupuncture, nutrition, massage, and the use of herbs are all important.
Trisha Springstead’s focuses are on balanced Nutrition, complete Detoxification, Essential Oils and Anu. Anu is a scientifically created water developed specifically to entirely erase any and all of it’s molecular memory by entirely stripping it of any and all chemical trace elements by going much further than mere distillation. The scrubbed clean resulting water is then infused with the precise mineral compounds which were present on earth at the point where life itself first arose. Through this process the energy matrix of Anu, taken in small amounts daily and available from medical practitioners reforms the body’s energy matrix and detoxifies the blood.
Trisha Springstead has Anu available on her site as well as a variety of Essential Oils based on a patented compound. She has been helping sufferers of Hyper Toxicity Syndrome in its many forms for over a decade, and has won a landmark case for a Morgellons sufferer, the decision for which was later used to win two similar cases.
Lopsided Drugs vs Balancing Oils
Healing oils can be used effectively in numerous ways to treat many mental and physical symptoms. Trisha Springstead’s concerns are with the entire person’s well being of course, but her particular field of expertise is in treating skin ailments that are resistant to the lopsided approach of hitting them with lopsided powerful drugs and dangerous steroids. Many of those who turn to Trisha are frustrated and at the ends of their ropes having spent years and great amounts of money with little or no results. Some, out of total desperation have resorted to spraying themselves with toxic sprays meant only for treating animals, or have even used harsh garden chemicals on themselves (which may in part be the very cause of their problems!).
How Can The Body Choose What it Needs? In a word: Balance!
Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies.
Let’s look at Geranium for an example. The Geranium performs a balancing action on sebum so it will work for both overly dry or overly oily skin. The same goes for Ylang Ylang. There are many receptors open to receiving only what they are lacking to fill the gap. Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies. The fact is that our bodies are amazingly adept at taking vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and moisture from food and drink as required. Essential Oils offer the body exquisitely rich arrays of choices which the body itself accepts greedily exactly where needed and in the quantity required – and ignores, rejects or tolerates what is not. All of this is done through the absorption of the Essential Oils through the skin and into the blood stream. Trisha Springstead’s patent based and organically packaged Essential Oil balms, salves, soaps and sprays are made from the purest steam distilled Essential Oils, not topical creams with toxic chemical additives, preservatives, artificial fragrances.
Seeing Is Believing
Words alone are fine – but a graphic example needs to be shown before you fully grasp what balanced Essential Oils can do where drugs and steroids failed utterly. I now present you with this one before and after photo showing how Trisha Springstead’s Essential Oil treatments applied over time and done according to her complete diet, Anu, balm and soap protocol works:
After suffering from a doctor baffling skin condition for over two years and given antibiotics, steroids, prescription creams and ointments, over the counter solutions etc, none of which worked - this cracked, bleeding, swollen foot (which was at times much, much worse - swollen to twice the size, before and after treatment with ESP Botanicals New Hope 2. The condition has not returned.
The big drug companies and doctors aren’t making any money treating this patient for the mysterious condition they could not define or cure. They won’t be having him come back in every few months to look at it again – and do nothing to help. They won’t be selling him prescription medicines to fix an endless itch that kept him up at night and drove him insane during the day, that hurt painfully and wouldn’t allow him to put on a shoe when his foot swelled to twice its normal size. Now there’s nothing but a normal foot, no itch, no hint of an itch, no swelling, no cracking, no bleeding, no scales. Seeing is believing. Now go ahead and burn me as a witch because you don’t understand it. Is it medicine? Not according to the AMA and FDA definitions because Essential Oils aren’t part of their official bag of tricks. Latin was their earliest way of claiming complete authority of knowledge, knowing everything, omniscience, then came advanced science to replace it – but still there to hide the truth – they simply do not understand it all and they probably never, ever will. Essential Oils, in the proper amounts and combination just work!
by Trisha Springstead
From The Dark Ages
There is a time honored traditional use of Essential Oils that reaches back through great antiquity. The dark ages, from the year 500 to 1000 signaled devastation for medicine – Greek and Roman medicine were declared to be heresy.
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind
Between the 6th and 16th centuries “bleeding” was used for everything to prevent toxic imbalances, sexual desires and to restore “humors”. It killed tens of thousands each year.
The losses of scientific learning through the burning of books set back humanity as much as 2000 years. (Pythagoras had come up with the idea that the earth revolved around the sun 600 BC, but that information did not re-arise until the sixteenth century when Galileo re-introduced it.) Old wise healing women were targets for witch hunters in a newly male dominated society where women healers using their knowledge of medicinal herbs provided more effective medicines at more affordable prices than anywhere else. These women, who called upon God and the healing properties of herbs and oils were condemned for the magical nature of their healing – and for the power and respect these women earned in their communities.
John Stearne wrote “Men rather uphold them and say why should any man be questioned for doing good.”
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind Because Each Century Looks Back Upon The Last Centuries and Pronounces it So
And yet each century of Modern Medicine is authoritarian in its demand that Traditional Medicine and Alternative Medicine can’t cure what’s wrong with people.
The knowledge held by so many women was suppressed and deemed witchcraft. To this day we suffer from the CDC and the FDA from the age long influence of condemnation against what works. This condemnation comes from those who stand to make the most money by continuing to suppress it: the AMA and the huge drug companies. Now more quietly, now with less physical brutality, they continue to condemn – and yet the community still turns to us, because they know that what we do works.
Even When it Works, Even When They See Proof With Their Own Eyes They Deny It Simply Because They Do Not Understand It
In 1590 The Archbishop of St. Andrews had heard of a healing woman from Byrehill named Alison Peirsoun. He called upon her for help and she cured the Archbishop, but afterward he not only did not pay her, but had her burned to death for witchcraft.
As the field of medicine was transferred 100% into the hands of men the knowledge possessed by of women healing was virtually destroyed. Even to this day the virtues of what medicines occur in nature are condemned.
And so now, as then, we turn to Essential Oils for what they are, we look to where they came from, and see how we have advanced from the earliest times (before herbal oils were pressed or distilled) and we had to rely upon the mere smoke from these smoldering herbs to restore balance and effect well being.
This section of the site is about Essential Healing Oils in Modern Times
Plant use for medicinal and ceremonial purposes existed in many cultures for thousands of years. Many of the healing properties we now know come from these traditional uses of what were once considered sacred plants.
In English “Health” and “Holy” (be whole) and in German Heil (health) and Heilig (holy) are even closer to see.
Six thousand years ago early Europeans discovered how to extract oils from certain plants by pressing them. As man began to settle he found powerful help in healing through the process of making ointments. From the Egyptians to the ancient Chinese; Coriander, Myrrh, Juniper, Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary, Aspic and other pressed and distilled oils saved millions of lives, and the properties of Essential Oils were so greatly respected that they were even used in anointing kings.
In 1557 Adam Lonißer published “Adam Loniceri Kräuter Buch und künstliche Conterfeyungen sammt der Kunst zu Destillieren”, much of which dealt with the distillation of Essential Oils and their medicinal aspects.
He wrote about and documented the properties of Essential Oils of Mandrake, Saffron, Aloe, Coriander, Thyme, Hyacinth and many more.
In spite of the repression and denial over the centuries Modern Medicine used many of the original plant extracts that Complimentary / Alternative Therapies still uses today. One of the main differences between them is that Modern Medicine is over-extracting and over-refining very specific molecules while disregarding other naturally occurring compounds found in the plants. This over refinement and super concentration has the same effect as substituting pure vitamins in place of food. What the body needs it cannot take, so it has forced upon it just one or more particular powerful drugs which do not allow the body’s own “locks” (the chemical receptors) to be filled with the “Keys” (the multitude of choices offered by the plants essential oils) which would result in balanced, natural healing.
Instead there is a partial relief of symptoms with an imbalance created, just like fixing just one wall of a falling house so that the rest of it still stands, but is lopsided and remains in danger.
Trisha Springstead’s Focus is on Complimentary Healing
Homeopathy and acupuncture, nutrition, massage, and the use of herbs are all important.
Trisha Springstead’s focuses are on balanced Nutrition, complete Detoxification, Essential Oils and Anu. Anu is a scientifically created water developed specifically to entirely erase any and all of it’s molecular memory by entirely stripping it of any and all chemical trace elements by going much further than mere distillation. The scrubbed clean resulting water is then infused with the precise mineral compounds which were present on earth at the point where life itself first arose. Through this process the energy matrix of Anu, taken in small amounts daily and available from medical practitioners reforms the body’s energy matrix and detoxifies the blood.
Trisha Springstead has Anu available on her site as well as a variety of Essential Oils based on a patented compound. She has been helping sufferers of Hyper Toxicity Syndrome in its many forms for over a decade, and has won a landmark case for a Morgellons sufferer, the decision for which was later used to win two similar cases.
Lopsided Drugs vs Balancing Oils
Healing oils can be used effectively in numerous ways to treat many mental and physical symptoms. Trisha Springstead’s concerns are with the entire person’s well being of course, but her particular field of expertise is in treating skin ailments that are resistant to the lopsided approach of hitting them with lopsided powerful drugs and dangerous steroids. Many of those who turn to Trisha are frustrated and at the ends of their ropes having spent years and great amounts of money with little or no results. Some, out of total desperation have resorted to spraying themselves with toxic sprays meant only for treating animals, or have even used harsh garden chemicals on themselves (which may in part be the very cause of their problems!).
How Can The Body Choose What it Needs? In a word: Balance!
Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies.
Let’s look at Geranium for an example. The Geranium performs a balancing action on sebum so it will work for both overly dry or overly oily skin. The same goes for Ylang Ylang. There are many receptors open to receiving only what they are lacking to fill the gap. Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies. The fact is that our bodies are amazingly adept at taking vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and moisture from food and drink as required. Essential Oils offer the body exquisitely rich arrays of choices which the body itself accepts greedily exactly where needed and in the quantity required – and ignores, rejects or tolerates what is not. All of this is done through the absorption of the Essential Oils through the skin and into the blood stream. Trisha Springstead’s patent based and organically packaged Essential Oil balms, salves, soaps and sprays are made from the purest steam distilled Essential Oils, not topical creams with toxic chemical additives, preservatives, artificial fragrances.
Seeing Is Believing
Words alone are fine – but a graphic example needs to be shown before you fully grasp what balanced Essential Oils can do where drugs and steroids failed utterly. I now present you with this one before and after photo showing how Trisha Springstead’s Essential Oil treatments applied over time and done according to her complete diet, Anu, balm and soap protocol works:
After suffering from a doctor baffling skin condition for over two years and given antibiotics, steroids, prescription creams and ointments, over the counter solutions etc, none of which worked - this cracked, bleeding, swollen foot (which was at times much, much worse - swollen to twice the size, before and after treatment with ESP Botanicals New Hope 2. The condition has not returned.
The big drug companies and doctors aren’t making any money treating this patient for the mysterious condition they could not define or cure. They won’t be having him come back in every few months to look at it again – and do nothing to help. They won’t be selling him prescription medicines to fix an endless itch that kept him up at night and drove him insane during the day, that hurt painfully and wouldn’t allow him to put on a shoe when his foot swelled to twice its normal size. Now there’s nothing but a normal foot, no itch, no hint of an itch, no swelling, no cracking, no bleeding, no scales. Seeing is believing. Now go ahead and burn me as a witch because you don’t understand it. Is it medicine? Not according to the AMA and FDA definitions because Essential Oils aren’t part of their official bag of tricks. Latin was their earliest way of claiming complete authority of knowledge, knowing everything, omniscience, then came advanced science to replace it – but still there to hide the truth – they simply do not understand it all and they probably never, ever will. Essential Oils, in the proper amounts and combination just work!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Near Death Experience of Hell
Tyrone had a very unusual opportunity, one that most of us do not get to make in our lives at the moment they come to an end. Tyrone received another chance, a chance to ‘begin again’, the opportunity to be ‘reborn’.
Each of us now have the opportunity to do what we need to do, to live our lives the way that we need to, before our final moment arrives. Tyrone’s experience and inpsirational story show us that the choices we make now may well determine whether our eternities are spent in ‘Heaven’ or ‘Hell’.
Each of us now have the opportunity to do what we need to do, to live our lives the way that we need to, before our final moment arrives. Tyrone’s experience and inpsirational story show us that the choices we make now may well determine whether our eternities are spent in ‘Heaven’ or ‘Hell’.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Awake in Dreamtime, how to Lucid Dream
Awake in Dreamtime, how to Lucid Dream
By Dr Kimberli Ridgeway
There are times that I think that the dreamtime experience is more real and tangible than the time I spend awake. From an early age I had dreams that warned of things to come. Being young, and not having anyone in my circle to discuss these things with, I was lost. As I grew older, these experiences changed, morphed into different types of “real” dreams. As I had more experiences, I began to understand the difference between dreams that just processed my days events and those that were what I call “Dreamtime.”
In my 20’s I decided that just experiencing the dreams was not enough, and I wanted to become more active in my dreams. So, one of the things I did was to keep a journal, not only of dreams, but things in the awake time that could be associated with dreamtime. This is something I suggest that anyone who is looking to expand on their dreaming experience do as often as possible. Something you write today may not make sense when you write it, but maybe in a week, month or year, you will have an ah-ha moment and be grateful you have the documentation of your minds adventures.
Another thing I did was focus on my hands. This sounds a bit trifle, but it works. First tell yourself you will notice your hands while dreaming. Once you notice them in dreamtime, then tell yourself you will with conscious effort use your left hand while dreaming. Once you are able to do this, be ready to make big jumps into the awareness while dreaming mode. I still worked on my mind body connection to be able to have more and more control while dreaming.
To advance even further, before I went to bed I would ask about issues in my waking life. I would ask that answers be given to me thru my dreams. I understand that our conscious goes somewhere that allows us to communicate with benevolent spirits while we are dreaming. I also had visits from those who I knew had passed from the physical realm. Being able to receive answers, insight and solutions to some of my more pressing life issues was a very welcomed experience.
Is this something you can do? I believe anyone who puts forth the effort to become awake while dreaming can do this. Once you take the time to do the baby steps, the shifts in your ability to experience will become exponential.
Tools for dreamtime:
Prayer, meditation and intention are the most powerful.
The herbs mullein, mugwort, osha root and leaf of God when made into a tea or smoked have been used traditionally. Be careful and check your state laws as some states outlaw the use of some of these herbs.
The essential oils lavender and orange help to relax the mind, but using clary sage will help launch you into dreamtime. I love to drop the oils on my pillows and bedspread. Makes for such beautiful sleep!
The tektite and moldavite stones help to enhance the otherworldly experience.
For protection, use orgonite under and around the bed.
Happy Dreaming!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Psychic Shielding Protection against Negative Energy Attacks
Psychic Shielding Protection against Negative Energy Attacks
OM Times Magazine | November 6, 2011
by Rev. Christa Urban, RN, Shaman
This is a topic that, as a peace lover, I’d hoped to avoid. I have always believed in the Law of Attraction. I put out Love and Light to the universe and hope to get that back. I have always avoided conflict and hate “Witch Wars”, but alas, I have found myself in several. The most recent psychic battle is part of a TV project I am working in.
So first, how do you know you have been under attack or someone is working against you? Are you feeling unusually out of sorts? Are your dreams invaded by images that are disturbing and attacking you? Do tears come for no reason? Are you having strange pains and physical symptoms that don’t correlate to your current state of health? Have you lost your ability to see from your third eye? These are just a few ways that you could feel a negative energy attack. Aside from the obvious that you just know someone has sent an attack to you.
I use crystals and stones in my practice for healing and protection. The attacks against me resulted in two of my magical rings cracking. I thought at first coincidence, but consulted another in the field and Psychic attack was the conclusion. The stone took the hit so I was not physically affected. I also was affected by a Black Magician sending out negative energy to blind my third eye to remove my ability to see beyond the veil. I have also felt the workings of a Psychic and witch that cast a spell that no one else could see clients in shop that was close to where she worked. When I had my first client there, I felt like I had been set on fire. I felt flames licking at my ankles, working their way up my body. I ran out of the shop and cleared my energy. When I regrouped, I confronted the shop owner and she did tell me that a certain Witch had come to make a blessing on her store and was happy that others would read there. I told the shop owner she had been duped and this was a spell and there would be worse to come. The shop has since been closed and the owner suffered much personal trauma and took a year off.
Protection and shielding can be done in many ways. The simplest way to clear negative energy is to utilize smudging and candles. A large psychic attack or curse, spell other negative names for attack will require calling in of deities, angels and a ritual. My first line defense are my stones and crystals. I wear several pendants and talismans that are charged with protection. I use Black Onyx as a stone that helps protect me from negative energy that is randomly discharged by people around me. As an empath it’s very easy to pick up random negativity. (That’s another article.)
Smudging with white sage to cleanse your space and your person is the way to start. I call it a psychic shower. Get clean and then proceed. If you can find out who sent the attack that will help as you can use their name as you work to clear and this will send the energy back.
I use a blend of Dragons Blood Resin, Frankincense, White Sage and Rose Petals to clear a space that is permeated with negative energy. This will cross over spirits that are causing trouble too.
Here is a simple ritual to help protect you as you rest and dream that can be carried into the day: Make a circle around your bed using white chalk or salt. As you cast this circle, call in the angels of the four directions. If you don’t work with angels, call in your Gods/Goddesses for the directions. I don’t specify because this technique will work in any Pantheon or Ascended realm. When you have called them in, state that you have been under attack and wish for their protection as you sleep. Light a white candle and allow it to burn. For major problems use a 7-day candle and let it burn till it self- extinguishes. In the morning when you rise, call in the energy of protection and tell your helpers that you carry that circle with you and the protection continues.
You will find that the sleep disturbance will abate and the days will be improved. There are many other ways, but I share this one as it help with the attacks from several powerful people that choose to work negative.
Why do people do this? Jealousy, greed, control and all those negative emotions that really don’t need to be part of our lives. My work with people is to help heal these broken parts in their lives. Inner peace is the path to world peace. Cast out only positive energy. What you send out comes back to you at least 3-fold.
Connect with Christa at:
OM Times Magazine | November 6, 2011
by Rev. Christa Urban, RN, Shaman
This is a topic that, as a peace lover, I’d hoped to avoid. I have always believed in the Law of Attraction. I put out Love and Light to the universe and hope to get that back. I have always avoided conflict and hate “Witch Wars”, but alas, I have found myself in several. The most recent psychic battle is part of a TV project I am working in.
So first, how do you know you have been under attack or someone is working against you? Are you feeling unusually out of sorts? Are your dreams invaded by images that are disturbing and attacking you? Do tears come for no reason? Are you having strange pains and physical symptoms that don’t correlate to your current state of health? Have you lost your ability to see from your third eye? These are just a few ways that you could feel a negative energy attack. Aside from the obvious that you just know someone has sent an attack to you.
I use crystals and stones in my practice for healing and protection. The attacks against me resulted in two of my magical rings cracking. I thought at first coincidence, but consulted another in the field and Psychic attack was the conclusion. The stone took the hit so I was not physically affected. I also was affected by a Black Magician sending out negative energy to blind my third eye to remove my ability to see beyond the veil. I have also felt the workings of a Psychic and witch that cast a spell that no one else could see clients in shop that was close to where she worked. When I had my first client there, I felt like I had been set on fire. I felt flames licking at my ankles, working their way up my body. I ran out of the shop and cleared my energy. When I regrouped, I confronted the shop owner and she did tell me that a certain Witch had come to make a blessing on her store and was happy that others would read there. I told the shop owner she had been duped and this was a spell and there would be worse to come. The shop has since been closed and the owner suffered much personal trauma and took a year off.
Protection and shielding can be done in many ways. The simplest way to clear negative energy is to utilize smudging and candles. A large psychic attack or curse, spell other negative names for attack will require calling in of deities, angels and a ritual. My first line defense are my stones and crystals. I wear several pendants and talismans that are charged with protection. I use Black Onyx as a stone that helps protect me from negative energy that is randomly discharged by people around me. As an empath it’s very easy to pick up random negativity. (That’s another article.)
Smudging with white sage to cleanse your space and your person is the way to start. I call it a psychic shower. Get clean and then proceed. If you can find out who sent the attack that will help as you can use their name as you work to clear and this will send the energy back.
I use a blend of Dragons Blood Resin, Frankincense, White Sage and Rose Petals to clear a space that is permeated with negative energy. This will cross over spirits that are causing trouble too.
Here is a simple ritual to help protect you as you rest and dream that can be carried into the day: Make a circle around your bed using white chalk or salt. As you cast this circle, call in the angels of the four directions. If you don’t work with angels, call in your Gods/Goddesses for the directions. I don’t specify because this technique will work in any Pantheon or Ascended realm. When you have called them in, state that you have been under attack and wish for their protection as you sleep. Light a white candle and allow it to burn. For major problems use a 7-day candle and let it burn till it self- extinguishes. In the morning when you rise, call in the energy of protection and tell your helpers that you carry that circle with you and the protection continues.
You will find that the sleep disturbance will abate and the days will be improved. There are many other ways, but I share this one as it help with the attacks from several powerful people that choose to work negative.
Why do people do this? Jealousy, greed, control and all those negative emotions that really don’t need to be part of our lives. My work with people is to help heal these broken parts in their lives. Inner peace is the path to world peace. Cast out only positive energy. What you send out comes back to you at least 3-fold.
Connect with Christa at:
Friday, August 31, 2012
Taiwan's annual ghost festival
Taiwan's annual ghost festival is being held to mark the gates of hell being opened and the dead returning to visit their relatives.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Dangerous Side of the Paranormal
Full interview with ordained priest and exorcist, Father Andrew Calder about the realities and dangers he has seen firsthand involving ghost hunting and the paranormal. Father Calder is a paranormal investigator as well and discusses tricks, traps and dangers that the demonic and spirit world often use to trick newcomers as well as seasoned paranormal investigators. Over 9 minutes of Q&A advice for anyone who is interested in ghost hunting or becoming a paranormal investigator. For more information and more videos and interviews, go to or
Legendary Metal Library Found in Tayos Cave in Ecuador
A team of explorers has announced that they have found the legendary metal library along with other ancient treasures and artifacts in an artificial chamber inside of the Tayos Cave system in Ecuador. The team was able to take several samples with them from the discovery and are currently in the process of submitting them to further testing.
Whole story here
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Captured Alien Being Interviewed – Secret Leaked
This YT is kind of long but wall worth the listen. I find it interesting that those who claim to be in touch with other worldly beings seem to have the same threads in the tapestry of their story line.
Part 1
Part 2
“Most people will not believe any of it, I’m sure. It seems too incredible. No “reasonable” person would ever believe a word of it. However, it only seems “incredible” to an IS-BE whose memory has been erased and replaced with false information inside the electronically controlled illusion of a prison planet. We must not allow the apparent incredibility of our situation prevent us from confronting the reality of it.
Frankly, “reasons” have nothing to do with reality. There are no reasons. Things are what they are. If we don’t face the facts of our situation, we’re going to stay under the thumb of the “Old Empire” forever! The biggest weapon the “Old Empire” has left now is our ignorance of what they are doing to all the IS-BEs on Earth. Disbelief and secrecy are the most effective weapons they have!”
– Excerpt from a letter written by US Army Air Force Flight Nurse, Matilda MacElroy. This letter was included in a package with Top Secret military transcripts of a series of interviews with the pilot of the UFO that crashed near the 509th Bomb Group in Roswell, N.M. in July of 1947.
The content of this book is the letter, official Top Secret U.S. Army Air Force interview transcripts and personal notes I received from the late Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy. Her letter to me asserts that this material is based on a series of interviews she conducted with an extraterrestrial being as part of her official duty as a nurse in the U.S. Army Air Force. The extraterrestrial she interviewed identitied itself as an officer, pilot and engineer of The Domain Expeditionary Force, a race of beings who have been using the asteroid belt in our solar system as a intergalactic base of operations for the past 10,000 years. Her dying request was that the transcripts finally be released to the world. In a letter received with the transcripts, Mrs. MacElroy says: “Mankind needs to know the answers to questions which are contained in these documents: Who are we? Where did we come from? What is our purpose on Earth? If there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe why have they not contacted us? It is vital that people understand the devastating consequences to our physical and spiritual survival if we fail to take effective action to undo the long-standing and pervasive effects of alien intervention on Earth.”
Alien Interview based on the events of Roswell. This author received a package from a woman claiming to be a nurse in Roswell who was the conduit between a recovered ET body and the Military. The alien communicated telopathically only, and would only communicate with her. Some of the things the ET tells her is how Earth came about, genetic engineering, how we got to this planet, creation of animals, timeline of Earth, how they crashed and interviews conducted by Military with the ET. All based off real top secret documents. Has anyone else read this book? what do you think?
I’ve read and skimmed through a lot of the book and its got me really thinking about some things. Very, very odd. It talks of us being a prison planet, that we are ALL E.T.s that were captured by “The Old Emire” (described as Reptillans), brainwashed and given amnesia, sent to Earth, and everytime we die they capture our souls, and create the illusion we went to heaven and send us back so we continuously are brainwashed each time we die and theres no way to stop the cycle.
I know this is out there – But isnt ALL of the UFO field in some peoples eyes? What are your thoughts?
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Large Biped Winged Creature Seen In Butler County PA
Large Biped Winged Creature Seen In Butler County PA
Submitted by Scott McMan on August 24, 2012 – 9:48 1,111 views
This is the type of report I look for all the time and in my opinion, this one hits the jackpot!
Not just one, but several reports have surfaced in the Butler County area regarding a giant winged creature.
The story comes to us from Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone and I must say, Stan has got me excited. Maybe it’s my fascination with Mothman or my interest in Bigfoot, but this has both rolled into one all purpose terror.
It all began in the still dark, early morning hours of March 18, 2011 on a rural road between Chicora and East Brady. A businessman was driving along when he saw something that as he says, “made the hair stand up on his neck”.
This is his story as related to Stan Gordon:
On March 21, 2011, I was contacted by a witness who reported having an encounter with a very strange creature during the early morning hours of March 18, 2011. The incident occurred on a rural road in Butler County between Chicora and East Brady. The witness, a businessman passing through the area, stated that “this was the freakiest thing I ever saw, and it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.” The man told me that he was driving down the road when from about a ¼ mile away, he observed something on the right side in a grassy area. His first thought was that it was a deer.
The driver stepped on the gas to move closer to get a better view. From about 50 yards away, he observed something that appeared to be hunched down, and then stood up. The driver then observed a very tall muscular creature. At this point, the driver had his high beams on and watched as the creature walked in front of a yellow reflective road sign, then crossed the two lane road in three long steps and continued into a wooded area. What he saw was a humanoid figure that stood at least 8 feet tall that appeared to have smooth leather-like skin that was of either a darker tan or light brown color.
The creature never looked at the witness, and was only observed from its side. The head appeared to be flat in the front section, and then rounded out. “At the top back of skull, it was like one of those aerodynamic helmets. The top was not quite a point, but looked like a ridge on top of the head.” The face was flat, and the eyes were not clearly defined, but the man thought that they might have been pointed in the corner. The ear that was observed on the left side was long and flat, and came up and back and was pointed backwards like a flap.
The arms were muscular and a little longer than that of a human. The hands looked more like a claw, but the number of fingers was unclear. One physical trait that stood out were the extremely muscular legs. The witness stated that it was hard to explain, but the legs did not move like that of a human, and “looked like they bent backwards.” The witness also saw what appeared to be wings on its back which were tucked into its body, with the wing tips extending toward the side of its head.
No unusual sounds or smells where noticed during the observation which was estimated to have been about 7-8 seconds. As the motorist approached the location where the creature entered the woods, it could no longer be seen. The next day the witness decided to drive back to the location of the encounter to look for any evidence. The ground conditions were not suitable for tracks, and nothing was found. The witness did, however, measure the road sign that the creature had walked in front of. The sign was just over 8 feet high, and the head of the creature was estimated to have reached about 4 inches above the sign.
Since that initial report that I received concerning this strange encounter, it has been learned that other local residents from that same area also reported seeing a similar unknown creature. Dan Hageman, Director of BORU ( Butler Organization of Research on the Unexplained), also received several reports from that same time period and general location. The following are some of the BORU summary reports on these incidents.
March 26, 2011-Kepple’s Corner-Two witnesses were driving to Butler when they witnessed a dark tan, 8 feet tall winged entity. The face appeared smashed in. It had a muscular body and a head that went to a point. The arms were long and it appeared to have claws for fingers. When it crossed the road it seemed to lope with each stride. The witnesses stopped the car in shock and sat there until another car came and they had to move. The witness is willing to take a lie detector test to prove what he saw.
Hop on over to Stan’s site to read two more accounts from witnesses in the area.
Now I’ve read hundreds of these stories and what seems to ring true is the description. It’s always very large, somewhat humanoid, with wings on it’s back. The one word that seems to repeat over and over in most every story is “leathery”. This is how witnesses typically describe the skin of these creatures.
Could these people all be whacked out on speed balls? All hopped up on….Uhhh, hop up stuff? I think not! Somewhere out there are cryptids and these cryptids are lurking around. We seldom catch a glimpse of them, but why?
Is it possible that these winged gouls are cousins of the elusive Sasquatch? Maybe they’re demons waiting for the next victim to roll around the bend of some country road.
Could they be inter-dimensional entities? Are witnesses observing these things during a mashup between our reality and that of of a sister dimension? Some people believe portals open up on occasion while still others are of the opinion that there are invisible things all around us, things vibrating at a frequency which causes everything from horrific humanoids to aliens not 6 inches away, to remain unseen. If we want to go a step further, we can investigate the theory that we are in the 3d dimension and we are seeing these UFOs, creatures and other strange phenomena because we are entering the 4th dimension, a “dimensional shift“, if you will.
The bottom line is with so many reports almost seamlessly matching, something must be going on and while mass hysteria is an easy answer, I also believe it a convenoient way to avoid the possibility that these things are out there and so are we.
So, next time you are driving down a secluded road out in the middle of nowhere, keep your eyes peeled as you never know what you might see.
Thanks to Stan Gordon for giving us plenty of cryptid fear to make our weekend great.
Associated Content:
GT: Farmers Claim Winged Creatured Slaughtered 35 Sheep
GT: Texans Report Flying Humanoid
Submitted by Scott McMan on August 24, 2012 – 9:48 1,111 views
This is the type of report I look for all the time and in my opinion, this one hits the jackpot!
Not just one, but several reports have surfaced in the Butler County area regarding a giant winged creature.
The story comes to us from Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone and I must say, Stan has got me excited. Maybe it’s my fascination with Mothman or my interest in Bigfoot, but this has both rolled into one all purpose terror.
It all began in the still dark, early morning hours of March 18, 2011 on a rural road between Chicora and East Brady. A businessman was driving along when he saw something that as he says, “made the hair stand up on his neck”.
This is his story as related to Stan Gordon:
On March 21, 2011, I was contacted by a witness who reported having an encounter with a very strange creature during the early morning hours of March 18, 2011. The incident occurred on a rural road in Butler County between Chicora and East Brady. The witness, a businessman passing through the area, stated that “this was the freakiest thing I ever saw, and it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.” The man told me that he was driving down the road when from about a ¼ mile away, he observed something on the right side in a grassy area. His first thought was that it was a deer.
The driver stepped on the gas to move closer to get a better view. From about 50 yards away, he observed something that appeared to be hunched down, and then stood up. The driver then observed a very tall muscular creature. At this point, the driver had his high beams on and watched as the creature walked in front of a yellow reflective road sign, then crossed the two lane road in three long steps and continued into a wooded area. What he saw was a humanoid figure that stood at least 8 feet tall that appeared to have smooth leather-like skin that was of either a darker tan or light brown color.
The creature never looked at the witness, and was only observed from its side. The head appeared to be flat in the front section, and then rounded out. “At the top back of skull, it was like one of those aerodynamic helmets. The top was not quite a point, but looked like a ridge on top of the head.” The face was flat, and the eyes were not clearly defined, but the man thought that they might have been pointed in the corner. The ear that was observed on the left side was long and flat, and came up and back and was pointed backwards like a flap.
The arms were muscular and a little longer than that of a human. The hands looked more like a claw, but the number of fingers was unclear. One physical trait that stood out were the extremely muscular legs. The witness stated that it was hard to explain, but the legs did not move like that of a human, and “looked like they bent backwards.” The witness also saw what appeared to be wings on its back which were tucked into its body, with the wing tips extending toward the side of its head.
No unusual sounds or smells where noticed during the observation which was estimated to have been about 7-8 seconds. As the motorist approached the location where the creature entered the woods, it could no longer be seen. The next day the witness decided to drive back to the location of the encounter to look for any evidence. The ground conditions were not suitable for tracks, and nothing was found. The witness did, however, measure the road sign that the creature had walked in front of. The sign was just over 8 feet high, and the head of the creature was estimated to have reached about 4 inches above the sign.
Since that initial report that I received concerning this strange encounter, it has been learned that other local residents from that same area also reported seeing a similar unknown creature. Dan Hageman, Director of BORU ( Butler Organization of Research on the Unexplained), also received several reports from that same time period and general location. The following are some of the BORU summary reports on these incidents.
March 26, 2011-Kepple’s Corner-Two witnesses were driving to Butler when they witnessed a dark tan, 8 feet tall winged entity. The face appeared smashed in. It had a muscular body and a head that went to a point. The arms were long and it appeared to have claws for fingers. When it crossed the road it seemed to lope with each stride. The witnesses stopped the car in shock and sat there until another car came and they had to move. The witness is willing to take a lie detector test to prove what he saw.
Hop on over to Stan’s site to read two more accounts from witnesses in the area.
Now I’ve read hundreds of these stories and what seems to ring true is the description. It’s always very large, somewhat humanoid, with wings on it’s back. The one word that seems to repeat over and over in most every story is “leathery”. This is how witnesses typically describe the skin of these creatures.
Could these people all be whacked out on speed balls? All hopped up on….Uhhh, hop up stuff? I think not! Somewhere out there are cryptids and these cryptids are lurking around. We seldom catch a glimpse of them, but why?
Is it possible that these winged gouls are cousins of the elusive Sasquatch? Maybe they’re demons waiting for the next victim to roll around the bend of some country road.
Could they be inter-dimensional entities? Are witnesses observing these things during a mashup between our reality and that of of a sister dimension? Some people believe portals open up on occasion while still others are of the opinion that there are invisible things all around us, things vibrating at a frequency which causes everything from horrific humanoids to aliens not 6 inches away, to remain unseen. If we want to go a step further, we can investigate the theory that we are in the 3d dimension and we are seeing these UFOs, creatures and other strange phenomena because we are entering the 4th dimension, a “dimensional shift“, if you will.
The bottom line is with so many reports almost seamlessly matching, something must be going on and while mass hysteria is an easy answer, I also believe it a convenoient way to avoid the possibility that these things are out there and so are we.
So, next time you are driving down a secluded road out in the middle of nowhere, keep your eyes peeled as you never know what you might see.
Thanks to Stan Gordon for giving us plenty of cryptid fear to make our weekend great.
Associated Content:
GT: Farmers Claim Winged Creatured Slaughtered 35 Sheep
GT: Texans Report Flying Humanoid
Black magic of the Roman era:
Black magic of the Roman era:
Ancient lead tablet found in UK contains a curse to bring bad luck to more than a dozen people
PUBLISHED: 10:06 EST, 23 August 2012 | UPDATED: 02:05 EST, 24 August 2012
An ancient tablet unearthed in Kent has turned out to be inscribed with curses intended to bring bad luck to more than a dozen people.
The rolled up lead tablet found in East Farleigh, on the site of a Roman farmstead, was found in a 3rd to 4th Century building that may have been some kind of temple.
Inscribed on the lead in capital letters are the names of 14 people, which an Oxford University expert says were the intended victims of the curse.
Cursed: The lead scroll discovered in East Farleigh, Kent, which contains the names of 14 individuals to whom its author wished to bring bad luck
It was discovered by the Maidstone Area Archaeological Group during excavations three years ago and has since undergone a series of detailed tests to determine its purpose.
The extremely fragile 6cm by 10cm tablet, which is just 1mm thick, is an example of a kind black magic popular in the Greek and Roman eras that called on the gods to torment specific victims.
Read more:
Ancient lead tablet found in UK contains a curse to bring bad luck to more than a dozen people
PUBLISHED: 10:06 EST, 23 August 2012 | UPDATED: 02:05 EST, 24 August 2012
An ancient tablet unearthed in Kent has turned out to be inscribed with curses intended to bring bad luck to more than a dozen people.
The rolled up lead tablet found in East Farleigh, on the site of a Roman farmstead, was found in a 3rd to 4th Century building that may have been some kind of temple.
Inscribed on the lead in capital letters are the names of 14 people, which an Oxford University expert says were the intended victims of the curse.
Cursed: The lead scroll discovered in East Farleigh, Kent, which contains the names of 14 individuals to whom its author wished to bring bad luck
It was discovered by the Maidstone Area Archaeological Group during excavations three years ago and has since undergone a series of detailed tests to determine its purpose.
The extremely fragile 6cm by 10cm tablet, which is just 1mm thick, is an example of a kind black magic popular in the Greek and Roman eras that called on the gods to torment specific victims.
Read more:
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Crystal & Crystal Skulls Festival
Hot Springs 2nd Annual Crystal & Crystal Skulls Festival is being held at the beautiful “The B Inn “ in the beautiful downtown Hot Springs, Arkansas.
I will be speaking at this event! So come see me and get a free sample of Ghoul B. Gone!
Located on the largest Crystal Vortex in North America, This festival is dedicated to celebrating the energies of the Crystals and Crystals Skulls, while empowering those who seek their true selves, purpose, and path by providing information and affordable products and services to all. We will have the best crystals that Arkansas has to offer on display and famous Crystal Skulls from all around the World,,, if you are unable to attend in person join the event and we will llivestream the event online strainght to your computer!!!
Namaste. Tickets at the door $15/$10/$5 consessions depending on circumstances per day.
If you are interested in a vendor booth please contact
The booths are $50.
I will be speaking at this event! So come see me and get a free sample of Ghoul B. Gone!
Located on the largest Crystal Vortex in North America, This festival is dedicated to celebrating the energies of the Crystals and Crystals Skulls, while empowering those who seek their true selves, purpose, and path by providing information and affordable products and services to all. We will have the best crystals that Arkansas has to offer on display and famous Crystal Skulls from all around the World,,, if you are unable to attend in person join the event and we will llivestream the event online strainght to your computer!!!
Namaste. Tickets at the door $15/$10/$5 consessions depending on circumstances per day.
If you are interested in a vendor booth please contact
The booths are $50.
Did Aleister Crowley Unleash Demons at Loch Ness?
Did Aleister Crowley Unleash Demons at Loch Ness?
Posted by Greg at 03:40, 17 Aug 2012
More Here
The atmospheric 9-minute film above, by Brian Butler, depicts a magical ritual on the grounds of Boleskine House at Loch Ness - a former residence of the infamous magician Aleister Crowley (and later, of rock guitar legend and occult enthusiast Jimmy Page). Most people know of the famous loch only through its alleged resident monster, but the Fortean roots of this Scottish location run deeper than that, as the film above suggests.
Situated in the north of Scotland, Loch Ness is nearly 24 miles in length, and at some points around 300 metres in depth - more than enough to conjure up all sorts of fears in human minds of what may lie beneath. And as paranormal researcher Nick Redfern pointed out in an article in Darklore Volume 2 (Amazon US or Amazon UK), there's no shortage of weirdness to dip into in the history of the place, including "encounters with UFOs, Men in Black, shape-shifting water-horses known as kelpies, demons, spooks, specters, fairies, and much more."
Posted by Greg at 03:40, 17 Aug 2012
More Here
The atmospheric 9-minute film above, by Brian Butler, depicts a magical ritual on the grounds of Boleskine House at Loch Ness - a former residence of the infamous magician Aleister Crowley (and later, of rock guitar legend and occult enthusiast Jimmy Page). Most people know of the famous loch only through its alleged resident monster, but the Fortean roots of this Scottish location run deeper than that, as the film above suggests.
Situated in the north of Scotland, Loch Ness is nearly 24 miles in length, and at some points around 300 metres in depth - more than enough to conjure up all sorts of fears in human minds of what may lie beneath. And as paranormal researcher Nick Redfern pointed out in an article in Darklore Volume 2 (Amazon US or Amazon UK), there's no shortage of weirdness to dip into in the history of the place, including "encounters with UFOs, Men in Black, shape-shifting water-horses known as kelpies, demons, spooks, specters, fairies, and much more."
Ma Barker's reportedly haunted house for sale
Ma Barker's reportedly haunted house for sale
Located on Lake Weir, the home where Kate "Ma" Barker was shot dead by the FBI in 1935 remains almost in exactly the same condition it did then in Ocklawaha, Florida on August 18, 2012. The lakefront Florida retreat is up for sale - bullet holes and all. (REUTERS/Scott Audette)
By Thane Burnett, QMI Agency
With its rich history, the remarkable house in central Florida could be a steal.
Though the well known tenant — one tough mother — may be hesitant to move on.
A family who have held the lakeside Ocklawaha summer home where gangster Ma Barker died during a marathon gun fight with FBI agents in 1935, have finally put the luxurious hideout up for sale.
It has all the original furnishings along with patches over the 1,500 bullet holes that dug into the walls and cabinets. Though a few did end up in Ma Barker and her son Fred, who held the federal force off for four hours.
Carson Good, great-great grandson of the man who owned and rented out the place to Barker, said the property never had a morose feel about it. Instead, it was a retreat to vacation at, while jumping into the spring-fed Lake Weir right out front.
Though every weekend, the curious still drive up and try to trace Barker’s last stand — which she took in her slippers.
“A third of them have to be Canadian,” Good figures of the tourists, noting our nation seems to have an appreciation for tales of vintage outlaws and American justice.
And there were also the stories that add to it. Not just of the original shoot-out, but what lingered long after.
Good’s family has often traded tales of furniture moving on its own and of conversations taking place in empty rooms.
A seance was held in the '70s, where the medium said she convinced Barker’s son, who died shooting it out beside his mother, to finally leave.
But stubborn Ma Barker — the matriarch of the notorious bank-robbing and kidnapping gang — refused to be evicted.
In fact, the property is said to have become a favoured vacation spot for other dead mobsters, including Al Capone.
Good said the failing health of his mother, and family members scattered across the country, means it’s time to give it up.
The starting price is $1 million, which even Ma Barker — who always had big bills and never asked for change — would have found impressive.
But the die-hard history is attracting a lot of attention, said Mark Arnold, an agent with Stirling Sotherby’s International Realty, which is selling the home.
“Everyone who walks in gets a different feeling,” he said. “It’s a time capsule. “You look at the crime scene photos then see the rooms with the furniture. It’s remarkable history.”
But Good, who never thought his family would let the property go, said they want someone who will see it as they always have — a remarkable home to stay in now.
Though Ma Barker apparently still feels that way.
Located on Lake Weir, the home where Kate "Ma" Barker was shot dead by the FBI in 1935 remains almost in exactly the same condition it did then in Ocklawaha, Florida on August 18, 2012. The lakefront Florida retreat is up for sale - bullet holes and all. (REUTERS/Scott Audette)
By Thane Burnett, QMI Agency
With its rich history, the remarkable house in central Florida could be a steal.
Though the well known tenant — one tough mother — may be hesitant to move on.
A family who have held the lakeside Ocklawaha summer home where gangster Ma Barker died during a marathon gun fight with FBI agents in 1935, have finally put the luxurious hideout up for sale.
It has all the original furnishings along with patches over the 1,500 bullet holes that dug into the walls and cabinets. Though a few did end up in Ma Barker and her son Fred, who held the federal force off for four hours.
Carson Good, great-great grandson of the man who owned and rented out the place to Barker, said the property never had a morose feel about it. Instead, it was a retreat to vacation at, while jumping into the spring-fed Lake Weir right out front.
Though every weekend, the curious still drive up and try to trace Barker’s last stand — which she took in her slippers.
“A third of them have to be Canadian,” Good figures of the tourists, noting our nation seems to have an appreciation for tales of vintage outlaws and American justice.
And there were also the stories that add to it. Not just of the original shoot-out, but what lingered long after.
Good’s family has often traded tales of furniture moving on its own and of conversations taking place in empty rooms.
A seance was held in the '70s, where the medium said she convinced Barker’s son, who died shooting it out beside his mother, to finally leave.
But stubborn Ma Barker — the matriarch of the notorious bank-robbing and kidnapping gang — refused to be evicted.
In fact, the property is said to have become a favoured vacation spot for other dead mobsters, including Al Capone.
Good said the failing health of his mother, and family members scattered across the country, means it’s time to give it up.
The starting price is $1 million, which even Ma Barker — who always had big bills and never asked for change — would have found impressive.
But the die-hard history is attracting a lot of attention, said Mark Arnold, an agent with Stirling Sotherby’s International Realty, which is selling the home.
“Everyone who walks in gets a different feeling,” he said. “It’s a time capsule. “You look at the crime scene photos then see the rooms with the furniture. It’s remarkable history.”
But Good, who never thought his family would let the property go, said they want someone who will see it as they always have — a remarkable home to stay in now.
Though Ma Barker apparently still feels that way.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Interview with Paranormalis
I had an interesting chat interview with the people of paranormalis. If you want, you can read it here:
We discussed many topics such as energetic parasites, oppression, possession and how to make orgonite.
We discussed many topics such as energetic parasites, oppression, possession and how to make orgonite.
Ghosts at old Crawfordsville hospital?
WLFI investigates.
Looks l;ike the place could use some Ghoul B. Gone.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Cute VIDEO: Haunted Lighthouse?
VIDEO: Haunted Lighthouse? video The Weather Channel Meteorologist Mike Bettes and Maria LaRosa tour the St. Augustine, FL lighthouse looking for ghosts.
Haunted by the voices
Haunted by the voices
Cathy Saunders, The West Australian
August 23, 2012, 11:29 am
Sir Anthony Hopkins heard them. So did Martin Luther King, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Joan of Arc and Socrates.
These well-known identities have all reported hearing voices - a phenomenon which is reasonably common, with 4-10 per cent of the population admitting to it.
It is an accepted fact of life among various indigenous groups, including North American Indians and Aboriginals, and its prevalence worldwide prompted the establishment late last century of a Hearing Voices Network.
People who experience it are called voice hearers by the hearing voices movement, although many may also have visual, smelling, feeling and other sensations.
In psychiatry, people who are disturbed by voices are described as having auditory hallucinations and those who have visions as having visual hallucinations. They may be diagnosed with schizophrenia.
The Hearing Voices Network was introduced in Australia in 2005 by the Richmond Fellowship of WA (RFWA).
According to Hearing Voices Network Australia (HVNA), taking into account all voice-hearing experiences, only a small number of voice hearers experience distressing, debilitating voices, with others describing it as a positive spiritual, cultural, psychic or everyday experience. Voices can be male, female, familiar, unfamiliar, friendly, helpful, angry, cruel, commanding, highly critical or undermining. They can be sounds, music, chanting or shuffling. They can stop for years and then return.
Joe Calleja, chief executive of the RFWA, said research shows that a lot of distressing voice hearing results from early childhood trauma, including sexual and physical abuse, or emotional trauma such as bullying, neglect, abandonment or the sudden death of a loved one. In one well-documented case, a man used to hear the voice of a priest who had sexually abused him.
RFWA and the HVNA offer training to professionals as well as voice hearers and their family and friends. The voice hearers can be helped to learn how to cope with the problem.
"People feel for the first time as though they can have discussions about their voices without the fear of being judged 'mad'," Mr Calleja said.
"When people learn skills to control their voices, their quality of life and mental health is improved, often hospitalisations are reduced or even eliminated, levels of depression are reduced and suicidal ideation diminishes. Then people can get control over their lives, get jobs, establish relationships."
For some people labelled "treatment resistant", medication does not necessarily help and in some instances contributes to other voices emerging.
In an Irish study reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry in April, more than one in five children aged 11 to 13 reported hearing voices. While just over half of these were found to have a non-psychotic psychiatric disorder such as depression, the other half did not have any underlying problem.
Mr Calleja said the way children were dealt with if they heard voices often completely missed their needs and compounded their distress.
HVNA manager Lyn Mahboub said children often explained their voices as those of "imaginary friends", which could be quite a normal experience and did not necessarily lead to distressing voice hearing.
"It is not scientific and there isn't a blood test to find out (what is going on) and so what people go on are self or other reports," she said.
In studies by Dutch researcher Sandra Escher, it was shown that children distressed by their voices could be helped, largely when parents and others supported them to deal with any current life problems they might be experiencing.
The three phases of voice-hearing recovery are described as startling, organisational and stabilisation - the stage at which the person has learnt to understand, organise and cope with their voices.
RFWA has received funding from Lotterywest to start up Voices@Work, which helps people who hear voices to get or stay in a job.
"A lot of people are not going anywhere near employment because of the stigma associated with their problem and the distress associated with their voices," Mr Calleja said.
RFWA has worked with about 25 people who are voice hearers and supported them to the point where they are significantly more prepared to seek work because their confidence has built up.
"Here is a group in our community that is completely invisible or, if they are visible, they are seen as really crazy, very sick people who are written off," Mr Calleja said.
"In fact, many of them can be given the opportunity to live a productive life in the community."
Voices@Work project worker Amanda Olsen said that by sharing her own voice- hearing experience, she was able to assist others and give them hope that they could one day gain the employment they wanted.
RFWA/HVNA run a two-day training course every month on the hearing-voices recovery approach as well as three-hour Snapshots on the Hearing Voices Approach. They have been attended by mental health workers, psychiatrists, nurses and others. RFWA/HVNA also offer free family information evenings.
The website for RFWA is and for HVNA is The phone number for both is 9350 8800. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Haunted by the voices
Cathy Saunders, The West Australian
August 23, 2012, 11:29 am
Sir Anthony Hopkins heard them. So did Martin Luther King, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Joan of Arc and Socrates.
These well-known identities have all reported hearing voices - a phenomenon which is reasonably common, with 4-10 per cent of the population admitting to it.
It is an accepted fact of life among various indigenous groups, including North American Indians and Aboriginals, and its prevalence worldwide prompted the establishment late last century of a Hearing Voices Network.
People who experience it are called voice hearers by the hearing voices movement, although many may also have visual, smelling, feeling and other sensations.
In psychiatry, people who are disturbed by voices are described as having auditory hallucinations and those who have visions as having visual hallucinations. They may be diagnosed with schizophrenia.
The Hearing Voices Network was introduced in Australia in 2005 by the Richmond Fellowship of WA (RFWA).
According to Hearing Voices Network Australia (HVNA), taking into account all voice-hearing experiences, only a small number of voice hearers experience distressing, debilitating voices, with others describing it as a positive spiritual, cultural, psychic or everyday experience. Voices can be male, female, familiar, unfamiliar, friendly, helpful, angry, cruel, commanding, highly critical or undermining. They can be sounds, music, chanting or shuffling. They can stop for years and then return.
Joe Calleja, chief executive of the RFWA, said research shows that a lot of distressing voice hearing results from early childhood trauma, including sexual and physical abuse, or emotional trauma such as bullying, neglect, abandonment or the sudden death of a loved one. In one well-documented case, a man used to hear the voice of a priest who had sexually abused him.
RFWA and the HVNA offer training to professionals as well as voice hearers and their family and friends. The voice hearers can be helped to learn how to cope with the problem.
"People feel for the first time as though they can have discussions about their voices without the fear of being judged 'mad'," Mr Calleja said.
"When people learn skills to control their voices, their quality of life and mental health is improved, often hospitalisations are reduced or even eliminated, levels of depression are reduced and suicidal ideation diminishes. Then people can get control over their lives, get jobs, establish relationships."
For some people labelled "treatment resistant", medication does not necessarily help and in some instances contributes to other voices emerging.
In an Irish study reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry in April, more than one in five children aged 11 to 13 reported hearing voices. While just over half of these were found to have a non-psychotic psychiatric disorder such as depression, the other half did not have any underlying problem.
Mr Calleja said the way children were dealt with if they heard voices often completely missed their needs and compounded their distress.
HVNA manager Lyn Mahboub said children often explained their voices as those of "imaginary friends", which could be quite a normal experience and did not necessarily lead to distressing voice hearing.
"It is not scientific and there isn't a blood test to find out (what is going on) and so what people go on are self or other reports," she said.
In studies by Dutch researcher Sandra Escher, it was shown that children distressed by their voices could be helped, largely when parents and others supported them to deal with any current life problems they might be experiencing.
The three phases of voice-hearing recovery are described as startling, organisational and stabilisation - the stage at which the person has learnt to understand, organise and cope with their voices.
RFWA has received funding from Lotterywest to start up Voices@Work, which helps people who hear voices to get or stay in a job.
"A lot of people are not going anywhere near employment because of the stigma associated with their problem and the distress associated with their voices," Mr Calleja said.
RFWA has worked with about 25 people who are voice hearers and supported them to the point where they are significantly more prepared to seek work because their confidence has built up.
"Here is a group in our community that is completely invisible or, if they are visible, they are seen as really crazy, very sick people who are written off," Mr Calleja said.
"In fact, many of them can be given the opportunity to live a productive life in the community."
Voices@Work project worker Amanda Olsen said that by sharing her own voice- hearing experience, she was able to assist others and give them hope that they could one day gain the employment they wanted.
RFWA/HVNA run a two-day training course every month on the hearing-voices recovery approach as well as three-hour Snapshots on the Hearing Voices Approach. They have been attended by mental health workers, psychiatrists, nurses and others. RFWA/HVNA also offer free family information evenings.
The website for RFWA is and for HVNA is The phone number for both is 9350 8800. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Demonic Face on Weather Report Intro
Watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon at little after midnight, and this was the transition into the weather report during the commercial break on WSMV-TV, Channel 4 News in Nashville, TN. What in the ... ?!?
Maybe they need a bottle of Ghoul B Gone in Master Control
Maybe they need a bottle of Ghoul B Gone in Master Control
Friday, August 17, 2012
“The Moment” Thousands will Join Hands, Will YOU be One of Them?
“The Moment” Thousands will Join Hands, Will YOU be One of Them?
The event will take place on and around Hot Springs Mountain, long known as a Native American sacred site called Manataka or Place of Peace. The area known as Manataka encompasses Hot Springs Mountain, Indian Mountain and West Mountain, referred to as the Three Sisters by First Nations People. This area was a gathering place for indigenous nations for thousands of years prior to the explorations conducted by the Spanish and the French. The area was heavily mined for novaculite, a stone which could be shaped into a very hard sharp edge for spear tips and cutting tools.
But it is Hot Springs Mountain that is most associated with the Place of Peace. Although it is hard to imagine today with the bath houses and tourist shops on the west side of the mountain, prehistoric peoples and early explorers beheld a place of wonder here.
Hot water issued forth from over 50 springs down the side of the mountain from as high as 187 feet. The springs were surrounded by mounds created by the mineral deposits from the springs. These white mounds were streaked with red iron oxide. The overall all exotic landscape caused one writer to think mistakenly that the area had volcanic activity.
These springs were known for their healing and rejuvenating properties throughout the Americas. A strange and exotic place, rich in flora and fauna. This was considered a sacred place, a place given special attention by Creator. Many tribes told stories of this strange place called ‘the Place of Peace’ in their own languages. This was a place acknowledged as important to all people and all people were allowed to travel there for their physical and spiritual needs without fear of enemy interference.
It is the goal of The Moment event to bring people from all over the planet to join hands, hearts and minds, in prayer for healing. Manataka with this history of peace, healing and wonder seems a perfect place for such an endeavor, says Rev. Hulse.
Growing up in Oklahoma, Rev. Hulse has always felt a connection with Native American peoples. After several years of ministering in Hot Springs, where he first heard about the Manataka Sacred Site, he decided to relocate here. “There is a language of the Heart,” says Rev. Hulse. The Moment will bring people together in Heart Space and each will understand the language of the other, he explains.
Rev. Tom Haley, pastor of the Rock Hill Christian Church, Hot Springs, shares this vision. “Peace is within our reach,” says Rev. Haley. “I look forward to seeing people of all races, creeds, colors, tribes, cultures, religions and social situations come together as one people, spiritually and peacefully, to meet each other as one family of humanity,” he continues.
Rev. Cheryl Batts, President of a Hot Springs non-profit community based organization and a minister at one of the local churches, quotes Lee Standing Bear Moore, Secretary and Story Keeper of the Manataka American Indian Council, as saying…
If you are an individual who plans to attend The Moment, you are encouraged to register for this free event The web site and Facebook page The Moment LLC will be continually updated with the latest news concerning this momentous event.
“Moment” Organizers Choose Native Sacred Site in Hot Springs
Hot Springs, Arkansas – On October 20, 2012, several thousand pilgrims are expected to arrive in Hot Springs for a massive prayer event being called “The Moment”. Called a “Planetary Pentecost” by Rev. David Hulse, founder of the RISE Spiritual Center, Hot Springs, this event is expected to draw global attention and attendance.
Hot water issued forth from over 50 springs down the side of the mountain from as high as 187 feet. The springs were surrounded by mounds created by the mineral deposits from the springs. These white mounds were streaked with red iron oxide. The overall all exotic landscape caused one writer to think mistakenly that the area had volcanic activity.
These springs were known for their healing and rejuvenating properties throughout the Americas. A strange and exotic place, rich in flora and fauna. This was considered a sacred place, a place given special attention by Creator. Many tribes told stories of this strange place called ‘the Place of Peace’ in their own languages. This was a place acknowledged as important to all people and all people were allowed to travel there for their physical and spiritual needs without fear of enemy interference.
It is the goal of The Moment event to bring people from all over the planet to join hands, hearts and minds, in prayer for healing. Manataka with this history of peace, healing and wonder seems a perfect place for such an endeavor, says Rev. Hulse.
Growing up in Oklahoma, Rev. Hulse has always felt a connection with Native American peoples. After several years of ministering in Hot Springs, where he first heard about the Manataka Sacred Site, he decided to relocate here. “There is a language of the Heart,” says Rev. Hulse. The Moment will bring people together in Heart Space and each will understand the language of the other, he explains.
Rev. Tom Haley, pastor of the Rock Hill Christian Church, Hot Springs, shares this vision. “Peace is within our reach,” says Rev. Haley. “I look forward to seeing people of all races, creeds, colors, tribes, cultures, religions and social situations come together as one people, spiritually and peacefully, to meet each other as one family of humanity,” he continues.
Rev. Cheryl Batts, President of a Hot Springs non-profit community based organization and a minister at one of the local churches, quotes Lee Standing Bear Moore, Secretary and Story Keeper of the Manataka American Indian Council, as saying…
The Moment will open a new time of deliverance, an awakening. The Moment is the fulfillment of Indian prophesies when the people of all races come together in love in a single circle, give thanks and pray. The Moment will create a mass consciousness, a light that will spread to many lands.”Rev. Batts is Chairperson for the Moment’s Invitation Committee. “We want to invite every church in Hot Springs for this uplifting spiritual event,” she states. If you have not yet received an invitation and wish to participate with your congregation, you may contact Rev. Batts at
If you are an individual who plans to attend The Moment, you are encouraged to register for this free event The web site and Facebook page The Moment LLC will be continually updated with the latest news concerning this momentous event.
Is Death An Illusion? Evidence Suggests Death Isn’t the End
Is Death An Illusion? Evidence Suggests Death Isn’t the End
After the death of his old friend, Albert Einstein said “Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us … know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
New evidence continues to suggest that Einstein was right – death isan illusion.
Our classical way of thinking is based on the belief that the world has an objective observer-independent existence. But a long list of experiments shows just the opposite. We think life is just the activity of carbon and an admixture of molecules – we live awhile and then rot into the ground.
We believe in death because we’ve been taught we die. Also, of course, because we associate ourselves with our body and we know bodies die. End of story. But biocentrism – a new theory of everything – tells us death may not be the terminal event we think. Amazingly, if you add life and consciousness to the equation, you can explain some of the biggest puzzles of science. For instance, it becomes clear why space and time – and even the properties of matter itself – depend on the observer. It also becomes clear why the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be exquisitely fine-tuned for the existence of life.
Until we recognize the universe in our heads, attempts to understand reality will remain a road to nowhere.
Consider the weather ‘outside’: You see a blue sky, but the cells in your brain could be changed so the sky looks green or red. In fact, with a little genetic engineering we could probably make everything that is red vibrate or make a noise, or even make you want to have sex like with some birds. You think its bright out, but your brain circuits could be changed so it looks dark out. You think it feels hot and humid, but to a tropical frog it would feel cold and dry. This logic applies to virtually everything. Bottom line: What you see could not be present without your consciousness.
In truth, you can’t see anything through the bone that surrounds your brain. Your eyes are not portals to the world. Everything you see and experience right now – even your body – is a whirl of information occurring in your mind. According to biocentrism, space and time aren’t the hard, cold objects we think. Wave your hand through the air – if you take everything away, what’s left? Nothing. The same thing applies for time. Space and time are simply the tools for putting everything together.
Consider the famous two-slit experiment. When scientists watch a particle pass through two slits in a barrier, the particle behaves like a bullet and goes through one slit or the other. But if you don’t watch, it acts like a wave and can go through both slits at the same time. So how can a particle change its behavior depending on whether you watch it or not? The answer is simple – reality is a process that involves your consciousness.
Or consider Heisenberg’s famous uncertainty principle. If there is really a world out there with particles just bouncing around, then we should be able to measure all their properties. But you can’t. For instance, a particle’s exact location and momentum can’t be known at the same time. So why should it matter to a particle what you decide to measure? And how can pairs of entangled particles be instantaneously connected on opposite sides of the galaxy as if space and time don’t exist? Again, the answer is simple: because they’re not just ‘out there’ – space and time are simply tools of our mind.
Death doesn’t exist in a timeless, spaceless world. Immortality doesn’t mean a perpetual existence in time, but resides outside of time altogether.
Our linear way of thinking about time is also inconsistent with another series of recent experiments. In 2002, scientists showed that particles of light “photons” knew – in advance – what their distant twins would do in the future. They tested the communication between pairs of photons. They let one photon finish its journey – it had to decide whether to be either a wave or a particle. Researchers stretched the distance the other photon took to reach its own detector. However, they could add a scrambler to prevent it from collapsing into a particle. Somehow, the first particle knew what the researcher was going to do before it happened – and across distances instantaneously as if there were no space or time between them. They decide not to become particles before their twin even encounters the scrambler. It doesn’t matter how we set up the experiment. Our mind and its knowledge is the only thing that determines how they behave. Experiments consistently confirm these observer-dependent effects.
Bizarre? Consider another experiment that was recently published in the prestigious scientific journal Science (Jacques et al, 315, 966, 2007). Scientists in France shot photons into an apparatus, and showed that what they did could retroactively change something that had already happened in the past. As the photons passed a fork in the apparatus, they had to decide whether to behave like particles or waves when they hit a beam splitter. Later on – well after the photons passed the fork – the experimenter could randomly switch a second beam splitter on and off. It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle actually did at the fork in the past. At that moment, the experimenter chose his past.
Of course, we live in the same world. But critics claim this behavior is limited to the microscopic world. But this ‘two-world’ view (that is, one set of physical laws for small objects, and another for the rest of the universe including us) has no basis in reason and is being challenged in laboratories around the world. A couple years ago, researchers published a paper in Nature (Jost et al, 459, 683, 2009) showing that quantum behavior extends into the everyday realm. Pairs of vibrating ions were coaxed to entangle so their physical properties remained bound together when separated by large distances (“spooky action at a distance,” as Einstein put it). Other experiments with huge molecules called ‘Buckyballs’ also show that quantum reality extends beyond the microscopic world. And in 2005, KHC03 crystals exhibited entanglement ridges one-half inch high, quantum behavior nudging into the ordinary world of human-scale objects.
We generally reject the multiple universes of Star Trek as fiction, but it turns out there is more than a morsel of scientific truth to this popular genre. One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that observations can’t be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability. One mainstream explanation, the “many-worlds” interpretation, states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe (the ‘multiverse’). There are an infinite number of universes and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios. All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them.
Life is an adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking. When we die, we do so not in the random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life-matrix. Life has a non-linear dimensionality – it’s like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.
“The influences of the senses,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson “has in most men overpowered the mind to the degree that the walls of space and time have come to look solid, real and insurmountable; and to speak with levity of these limits in the world is the sign of insanity.”
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Prayer to Restore a Fragmented Soul
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break all bondages over my conscious and unconscious mind. I send out God’s angels to gather all portions of my mind that have been removed by witchcraft, Communism, Masonry, any occult or witchcraft practices, false religions, demonic music, drugs and by any other means, to be restored to me now. (Ps 23:3; 7:1;35:15; Job 33:10; Eze 13:17).
Heavenly Father, I break and renounce all evil soul ties I have ever had or may have had with: {name any Masoninc lodges, adulterers, close friends, ex-spouses, cults, binding agreements between buddies, etc.}. I renounce all evil soul ties, break them and declare them destroyed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ I now renounce, break and loose myself from all demonic subjection to my mother, father, grandparents or any other human being, living or dead, who has dominated me in any way which is contrary to the will of God. I thank you Lord Jesus, for setting me free.
I command all demons to be bound and cast out. I ask you, Heavenly Father to send angels to uncoil, untangle, dig out, break, sever off and remove all demons and demonic roots. Also all fetters, bands, ties, bonds, coils, tangles, serpents, cords in Jesus name.
Father I ask that the angels gather and restore the fragments of my soul (mind, will and emotions) to their rightful place in me. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I ask for angels to unearth and break all earthen vessels, cut bonds, bands and bindings that have been put upon my soul, willingly or without my knowledge.
I ask that the angels free my soul from all bondages by whatever means is required. I agree and declare, Father, that the power of the Lord Jesus Christ is all powerful and effective to do this. I ask this that my soul might fully magnify and glorify the Lord.
Alternative or Additional Prayer
“Father, I ask You in the Name of Jesus Christ to send out angels to gather up the fragments of my soul and restore them to their rightful place in me (Psalm 7:2, 23:3).
With the full power and authority of the Lord Jesus, I ask that angels unearth and break all earthen vessels, bonds, bands or bindings which have been put upon my soul by any means.
Restore all the pieces of my fragmented mind, will, emotions, appetite, intellect, heart, and personality. Bring them all into proper and original positions where they belong. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I command Satan and all of his demons to loose my mind completely. I ask You, Father to send Your angels to break, cut and sever all fetters, bands, chains, ties and bonds of whatever sort the enemy has managed to place on my mind by word or deed. I ask You to loose into me and my family the spirits of the Lord: Wisdom, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, Fear of the Lord, Power, Love, Sound Mind, Grace, Peace and the Spirit of the Lord. Amen.”
Spooky sightings on 'haunted' road
Spooky sightings on 'haunted' road
15 August 2012
A SPOOKY phenomenon is reportedly haunting a stretch of road near Machynlleth, after motorists claim to have seen a ‘ghost car’ that mysteriously vanishes. Witnesses have taken to social networking sites to share their experiences of the phantom vehicle, which is reported to suddenly disappear on the other side of a bend on the A458 between Foel and Mallwyd.
Paul Barron (pictured), who lives in Llanwrin, said he “felt the hackles” on the back of his neck after seeing the apparition for the second time on 2 August, which he said was visible for a short period after midnight. Paul, who works as an acupuncture therapist at Bro Ddyfi Advice Centre, added: “I felt the hackles rise on the back of my neck. This is the second time I’ve seen the ghost car along the very lonely A458 between Welshpool and Machynlleth.
“I’ve seen the same ghost car twice, not quite in the same spot but in the same area. I was following it at about 50 yards behind, under a full moon, so it was very visible and it turned a corner.” Other Facebook users also shared their experiences about the phantom of the highway, with one, Christina Hale, claiming that she had broken down twice on the stretch of road for “no apparent reason”.
Click here for the full story, or see this week's Machynlleth and Llanidloes edition of the Cambrian News
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Ghoul B Gone EVP
While using Ghoul B. Gone Paravizionz was on location at Victoria Theater in Dayton, OH
and captured the following EVP:
Yes! Even the ghosts know Ghoul B. Gone!
Lee Allen has told me that the team uses Ghoul B Gone on all investigations. He says he can really tell a difference in the activity of malicious entities. He also has told me that it thins the veil and lets his spirit guides con thru with ease.
Patrick has told me, "I spray this stuff on everything!"
and captured the following EVP:
Yes! Even the ghosts know Ghoul B. Gone!
Lee Allen has told me that the team uses Ghoul B Gone on all investigations. He says he can really tell a difference in the activity of malicious entities. He also has told me that it thins the veil and lets his spirit guides con thru with ease.
Patrick has told me, "I spray this stuff on everything!"
Aura Analysis of Ghoul B Gone
While at Scarefest, November 2010, I had Gary Cardnial of, do a before and after of my aura
in reference to the Ghoul B. Gone Mystic Blend Room Spray.
At 9:50 he took the first image, my chakras were out of out of balance, with a red line around the naval
and solar plexus and the third eye was almost blacked out.
At 9:54 after spraying my aura with Ghoul B. Gone, the image showed my charka's were more in balance,
the red lines had mostly disappeared,my heart turned into a beautiful green light, my third eye was clear,
and the crown had become a brilliant violet-white.
Not only this but my whole field balanced out and you can see my guides especially on my right coming thru more clearly.
WOW! Thanks Gary!
in reference to the Ghoul B. Gone Mystic Blend Room Spray.
At 9:50 he took the first image, my chakras were out of out of balance, with a red line around the naval
and solar plexus and the third eye was almost blacked out.
At 9:54 after spraying my aura with Ghoul B. Gone, the image showed my charka's were more in balance,
the red lines had mostly disappeared,my heart turned into a beautiful green light, my third eye was clear,
and the crown had become a brilliant violet-white.
Not only this but my whole field balanced out and you can see my guides especially on my right coming thru more clearly.
WOW! Thanks Gary!
People generally experience immediate euphoric feelings when Ghoul B. Gone is sprayed in their energy field.
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