Friday, September 21, 2012

Forms of Exorcisms Event

Have you ever wanted to know more about entities, attachments and exorcisms? This is your chance to learn from a Master, Starr Fuentes. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.

There are many people who have lost their physical bodies and exist as entities on the earth. There are entities who live with or through humans and those who are attached to land, a house, or personal possessions. Especially when somebody died and felt confused, or died with heavy emotions, he or she searches for a human to continue to experience physical life.

Double Service
Through so called "exorcism" techniques, entities get the opportunity to finally and safely reach the light. Once in the light, an entity's bond to the earth is dissipated. Setting a person free from entities provides a twofold service:
*The human is liberated from the subtle and direct influences and continues life in hos own energy.
*The entities are untied from the earth plane and go on with their spiritual evolution.

Symptoms that occur when a human life force is shared with entities:
*memory lapses
* incongruent behavior
* buying things which one does not use
* alienating friends and partners and not knowing why
* having two or more opinions on everything
* depleted energy

This event is an awesome occasion to join Starr Fuentes, Master Healer, Spiritual Teacher, author, and psychic.
Study with her these sacred teachings passed on thru generations of sages! Walk your path with the ancient traditions and dedicate your life to be of special service to others!

To purchase your ticket for this event go to:

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