Friday, September 21, 2012
Forms of Exorcisms Event
Have you ever wanted to know more about entities, attachments and exorcisms? This is your chance to learn from a Master, Starr Fuentes. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.
There are many people who have lost their physical bodies and exist as entities on the earth. There are entities who live with or through humans and those who are attached to land, a house, or personal possessions. Especially when somebody died and felt confused, or died with heavy emotions, he or she searches for a human to continue to experience physical life.
Double Service
Through so called "exorcism" techniques, entities get the opportunity to finally and safely reach the light. Once in the light, an entity's bond to the earth is dissipated. Setting a person free from entities provides a twofold service:
*The human is liberated from the subtle and direct influences and continues life in hos own energy.
*The entities are untied from the earth plane and go on with their spiritual evolution.
Symptoms that occur when a human life force is shared with entities:
*memory lapses
* incongruent behavior
* buying things which one does not use
* alienating friends and partners and not knowing why
* having two or more opinions on everything
* depleted energy
This event is an awesome occasion to join Starr Fuentes, Master Healer, Spiritual Teacher, author, and psychic. Study with her these sacred teachings passed on thru generations of sages! Walk your path with the ancient traditions and dedicate your life to be of special service to others!
To purchase your ticket for this event go to:
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Ancient Healing – Essential Oils
Ancient Healing – Essential Oils
by Trisha Springstead

From The Dark Ages
There is a time honored traditional use of Essential Oils that reaches back through great antiquity. The dark ages, from the year 500 to 1000 signaled devastation for medicine – Greek and Roman medicine were declared to be heresy.
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind
Between the 6th and 16th centuries “bleeding” was used for everything to prevent toxic imbalances, sexual desires and to restore “humors”. It killed tens of thousands each year.
The losses of scientific learning through the burning of books set back humanity as much as 2000 years. (Pythagoras had come up with the idea that the earth revolved around the sun 600 BC, but that information did not re-arise until the sixteenth century when Galileo re-introduced it.) Old wise healing women were targets for witch hunters in a newly male dominated society where women healers using their knowledge of medicinal herbs provided more effective medicines at more affordable prices than anywhere else. These women, who called upon God and the healing properties of herbs and oils were condemned for the magical nature of their healing – and for the power and respect these women earned in their communities.
John Stearne wrote “Men rather uphold them and say why should any man be questioned for doing good.”
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind Because Each Century Looks Back Upon The Last Centuries and Pronounces it So
And yet each century of Modern Medicine is authoritarian in its demand that Traditional Medicine and Alternative Medicine can’t cure what’s wrong with people.
The knowledge held by so many women was suppressed and deemed witchcraft. To this day we suffer from the CDC and the FDA from the age long influence of condemnation against what works. This condemnation comes from those who stand to make the most money by continuing to suppress it: the AMA and the huge drug companies. Now more quietly, now with less physical brutality, they continue to condemn – and yet the community still turns to us, because they know that what we do works.
Even When it Works, Even When They See Proof With Their Own Eyes They Deny It Simply Because They Do Not Understand It
In 1590 The Archbishop of St. Andrews had heard of a healing woman from Byrehill named Alison Peirsoun. He called upon her for help and she cured the Archbishop, but afterward he not only did not pay her, but had her burned to death for witchcraft.
As the field of medicine was transferred 100% into the hands of men the knowledge possessed by of women healing was virtually destroyed. Even to this day the virtues of what medicines occur in nature are condemned.
And so now, as then, we turn to Essential Oils for what they are, we look to where they came from, and see how we have advanced from the earliest times (before herbal oils were pressed or distilled) and we had to rely upon the mere smoke from these smoldering herbs to restore balance and effect well being.
This section of the site is about Essential Healing Oils in Modern Times
Plant use for medicinal and ceremonial purposes existed in many cultures for thousands of years. Many of the healing properties we now know come from these traditional uses of what were once considered sacred plants.
In English “Health” and “Holy” (be whole) and in German Heil (health) and Heilig (holy) are even closer to see.
Six thousand years ago early Europeans discovered how to extract oils from certain plants by pressing them. As man began to settle he found powerful help in healing through the process of making ointments. From the Egyptians to the ancient Chinese; Coriander, Myrrh, Juniper, Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary, Aspic and other pressed and distilled oils saved millions of lives, and the properties of Essential Oils were so greatly respected that they were even used in anointing kings.
In 1557 Adam Lonißer published “Adam Loniceri Kräuter Buch und künstliche Conterfeyungen sammt der Kunst zu Destillieren”, much of which dealt with the distillation of Essential Oils and their medicinal aspects.
He wrote about and documented the properties of Essential Oils of Mandrake, Saffron, Aloe, Coriander, Thyme, Hyacinth and many more.
In spite of the repression and denial over the centuries Modern Medicine used many of the original plant extracts that Complimentary / Alternative Therapies still uses today. One of the main differences between them is that Modern Medicine is over-extracting and over-refining very specific molecules while disregarding other naturally occurring compounds found in the plants. This over refinement and super concentration has the same effect as substituting pure vitamins in place of food. What the body needs it cannot take, so it has forced upon it just one or more particular powerful drugs which do not allow the body’s own “locks” (the chemical receptors) to be filled with the “Keys” (the multitude of choices offered by the plants essential oils) which would result in balanced, natural healing.
Instead there is a partial relief of symptoms with an imbalance created, just like fixing just one wall of a falling house so that the rest of it still stands, but is lopsided and remains in danger.
Trisha Springstead’s Focus is on Complimentary Healing
Homeopathy and acupuncture, nutrition, massage, and the use of herbs are all important.
Trisha Springstead’s focuses are on balanced Nutrition, complete Detoxification, Essential Oils and Anu. Anu is a scientifically created water developed specifically to entirely erase any and all of it’s molecular memory by entirely stripping it of any and all chemical trace elements by going much further than mere distillation. The scrubbed clean resulting water is then infused with the precise mineral compounds which were present on earth at the point where life itself first arose. Through this process the energy matrix of Anu, taken in small amounts daily and available from medical practitioners reforms the body’s energy matrix and detoxifies the blood.
Trisha Springstead has Anu available on her site as well as a variety of Essential Oils based on a patented compound. She has been helping sufferers of Hyper Toxicity Syndrome in its many forms for over a decade, and has won a landmark case for a Morgellons sufferer, the decision for which was later used to win two similar cases.
Lopsided Drugs vs Balancing Oils
Healing oils can be used effectively in numerous ways to treat many mental and physical symptoms. Trisha Springstead’s concerns are with the entire person’s well being of course, but her particular field of expertise is in treating skin ailments that are resistant to the lopsided approach of hitting them with lopsided powerful drugs and dangerous steroids. Many of those who turn to Trisha are frustrated and at the ends of their ropes having spent years and great amounts of money with little or no results. Some, out of total desperation have resorted to spraying themselves with toxic sprays meant only for treating animals, or have even used harsh garden chemicals on themselves (which may in part be the very cause of their problems!).
How Can The Body Choose What it Needs? In a word: Balance!
Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies.
Let’s look at Geranium for an example. The Geranium performs a balancing action on sebum so it will work for both overly dry or overly oily skin. The same goes for Ylang Ylang. There are many receptors open to receiving only what they are lacking to fill the gap. Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies. The fact is that our bodies are amazingly adept at taking vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and moisture from food and drink as required. Essential Oils offer the body exquisitely rich arrays of choices which the body itself accepts greedily exactly where needed and in the quantity required – and ignores, rejects or tolerates what is not. All of this is done through the absorption of the Essential Oils through the skin and into the blood stream. Trisha Springstead’s patent based and organically packaged Essential Oil balms, salves, soaps and sprays are made from the purest steam distilled Essential Oils, not topical creams with toxic chemical additives, preservatives, artificial fragrances.
Seeing Is Believing
Words alone are fine – but a graphic example needs to be shown before you fully grasp what balanced Essential Oils can do where drugs and steroids failed utterly. I now present you with this one before and after photo showing how Trisha Springstead’s Essential Oil treatments applied over time and done according to her complete diet, Anu, balm and soap protocol works:
After suffering from a doctor baffling skin condition for over two years and given antibiotics, steroids, prescription creams and ointments, over the counter solutions etc, none of which worked - this cracked, bleeding, swollen foot (which was at times much, much worse - swollen to twice the size, before and after treatment with ESP Botanicals New Hope 2. The condition has not returned.
The big drug companies and doctors aren’t making any money treating this patient for the mysterious condition they could not define or cure. They won’t be having him come back in every few months to look at it again – and do nothing to help. They won’t be selling him prescription medicines to fix an endless itch that kept him up at night and drove him insane during the day, that hurt painfully and wouldn’t allow him to put on a shoe when his foot swelled to twice its normal size. Now there’s nothing but a normal foot, no itch, no hint of an itch, no swelling, no cracking, no bleeding, no scales. Seeing is believing. Now go ahead and burn me as a witch because you don’t understand it. Is it medicine? Not according to the AMA and FDA definitions because Essential Oils aren’t part of their official bag of tricks. Latin was their earliest way of claiming complete authority of knowledge, knowing everything, omniscience, then came advanced science to replace it – but still there to hide the truth – they simply do not understand it all and they probably never, ever will. Essential Oils, in the proper amounts and combination just work!
by Trisha Springstead
From The Dark Ages
There is a time honored traditional use of Essential Oils that reaches back through great antiquity. The dark ages, from the year 500 to 1000 signaled devastation for medicine – Greek and Roman medicine were declared to be heresy.
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind
Between the 6th and 16th centuries “bleeding” was used for everything to prevent toxic imbalances, sexual desires and to restore “humors”. It killed tens of thousands each year.
The losses of scientific learning through the burning of books set back humanity as much as 2000 years. (Pythagoras had come up with the idea that the earth revolved around the sun 600 BC, but that information did not re-arise until the sixteenth century when Galileo re-introduced it.) Old wise healing women were targets for witch hunters in a newly male dominated society where women healers using their knowledge of medicinal herbs provided more effective medicines at more affordable prices than anywhere else. These women, who called upon God and the healing properties of herbs and oils were condemned for the magical nature of their healing – and for the power and respect these women earned in their communities.
John Stearne wrote “Men rather uphold them and say why should any man be questioned for doing good.”
Modern Medicine Will Always Be Blind Because Each Century Looks Back Upon The Last Centuries and Pronounces it So
And yet each century of Modern Medicine is authoritarian in its demand that Traditional Medicine and Alternative Medicine can’t cure what’s wrong with people.
The knowledge held by so many women was suppressed and deemed witchcraft. To this day we suffer from the CDC and the FDA from the age long influence of condemnation against what works. This condemnation comes from those who stand to make the most money by continuing to suppress it: the AMA and the huge drug companies. Now more quietly, now with less physical brutality, they continue to condemn – and yet the community still turns to us, because they know that what we do works.
Even When it Works, Even When They See Proof With Their Own Eyes They Deny It Simply Because They Do Not Understand It
In 1590 The Archbishop of St. Andrews had heard of a healing woman from Byrehill named Alison Peirsoun. He called upon her for help and she cured the Archbishop, but afterward he not only did not pay her, but had her burned to death for witchcraft.
As the field of medicine was transferred 100% into the hands of men the knowledge possessed by of women healing was virtually destroyed. Even to this day the virtues of what medicines occur in nature are condemned.
And so now, as then, we turn to Essential Oils for what they are, we look to where they came from, and see how we have advanced from the earliest times (before herbal oils were pressed or distilled) and we had to rely upon the mere smoke from these smoldering herbs to restore balance and effect well being.
This section of the site is about Essential Healing Oils in Modern Times
Plant use for medicinal and ceremonial purposes existed in many cultures for thousands of years. Many of the healing properties we now know come from these traditional uses of what were once considered sacred plants.
In English “Health” and “Holy” (be whole) and in German Heil (health) and Heilig (holy) are even closer to see.
Six thousand years ago early Europeans discovered how to extract oils from certain plants by pressing them. As man began to settle he found powerful help in healing through the process of making ointments. From the Egyptians to the ancient Chinese; Coriander, Myrrh, Juniper, Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary, Aspic and other pressed and distilled oils saved millions of lives, and the properties of Essential Oils were so greatly respected that they were even used in anointing kings.
In 1557 Adam Lonißer published “Adam Loniceri Kräuter Buch und künstliche Conterfeyungen sammt der Kunst zu Destillieren”, much of which dealt with the distillation of Essential Oils and their medicinal aspects.
He wrote about and documented the properties of Essential Oils of Mandrake, Saffron, Aloe, Coriander, Thyme, Hyacinth and many more.
In spite of the repression and denial over the centuries Modern Medicine used many of the original plant extracts that Complimentary / Alternative Therapies still uses today. One of the main differences between them is that Modern Medicine is over-extracting and over-refining very specific molecules while disregarding other naturally occurring compounds found in the plants. This over refinement and super concentration has the same effect as substituting pure vitamins in place of food. What the body needs it cannot take, so it has forced upon it just one or more particular powerful drugs which do not allow the body’s own “locks” (the chemical receptors) to be filled with the “Keys” (the multitude of choices offered by the plants essential oils) which would result in balanced, natural healing.
Instead there is a partial relief of symptoms with an imbalance created, just like fixing just one wall of a falling house so that the rest of it still stands, but is lopsided and remains in danger.
Trisha Springstead’s Focus is on Complimentary Healing
Homeopathy and acupuncture, nutrition, massage, and the use of herbs are all important.
Trisha Springstead’s focuses are on balanced Nutrition, complete Detoxification, Essential Oils and Anu. Anu is a scientifically created water developed specifically to entirely erase any and all of it’s molecular memory by entirely stripping it of any and all chemical trace elements by going much further than mere distillation. The scrubbed clean resulting water is then infused with the precise mineral compounds which were present on earth at the point where life itself first arose. Through this process the energy matrix of Anu, taken in small amounts daily and available from medical practitioners reforms the body’s energy matrix and detoxifies the blood.
Trisha Springstead has Anu available on her site as well as a variety of Essential Oils based on a patented compound. She has been helping sufferers of Hyper Toxicity Syndrome in its many forms for over a decade, and has won a landmark case for a Morgellons sufferer, the decision for which was later used to win two similar cases.
Lopsided Drugs vs Balancing Oils
Healing oils can be used effectively in numerous ways to treat many mental and physical symptoms. Trisha Springstead’s concerns are with the entire person’s well being of course, but her particular field of expertise is in treating skin ailments that are resistant to the lopsided approach of hitting them with lopsided powerful drugs and dangerous steroids. Many of those who turn to Trisha are frustrated and at the ends of their ropes having spent years and great amounts of money with little or no results. Some, out of total desperation have resorted to spraying themselves with toxic sprays meant only for treating animals, or have even used harsh garden chemicals on themselves (which may in part be the very cause of their problems!).
How Can The Body Choose What it Needs? In a word: Balance!
Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies.
Let’s look at Geranium for an example. The Geranium performs a balancing action on sebum so it will work for both overly dry or overly oily skin. The same goes for Ylang Ylang. There are many receptors open to receiving only what they are lacking to fill the gap. Modern medical science is still struggling to discover exactly what the simple and strictly defined molecular forms of a finite number of vitamins do and so they cannot hope to be even close to grasping the full meaning of each of the elements that are compounded into drugs and sold to them by the drug companies. The fact is that our bodies are amazingly adept at taking vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and moisture from food and drink as required. Essential Oils offer the body exquisitely rich arrays of choices which the body itself accepts greedily exactly where needed and in the quantity required – and ignores, rejects or tolerates what is not. All of this is done through the absorption of the Essential Oils through the skin and into the blood stream. Trisha Springstead’s patent based and organically packaged Essential Oil balms, salves, soaps and sprays are made from the purest steam distilled Essential Oils, not topical creams with toxic chemical additives, preservatives, artificial fragrances.
Seeing Is Believing
Words alone are fine – but a graphic example needs to be shown before you fully grasp what balanced Essential Oils can do where drugs and steroids failed utterly. I now present you with this one before and after photo showing how Trisha Springstead’s Essential Oil treatments applied over time and done according to her complete diet, Anu, balm and soap protocol works:
After suffering from a doctor baffling skin condition for over two years and given antibiotics, steroids, prescription creams and ointments, over the counter solutions etc, none of which worked - this cracked, bleeding, swollen foot (which was at times much, much worse - swollen to twice the size, before and after treatment with ESP Botanicals New Hope 2. The condition has not returned.
The big drug companies and doctors aren’t making any money treating this patient for the mysterious condition they could not define or cure. They won’t be having him come back in every few months to look at it again – and do nothing to help. They won’t be selling him prescription medicines to fix an endless itch that kept him up at night and drove him insane during the day, that hurt painfully and wouldn’t allow him to put on a shoe when his foot swelled to twice its normal size. Now there’s nothing but a normal foot, no itch, no hint of an itch, no swelling, no cracking, no bleeding, no scales. Seeing is believing. Now go ahead and burn me as a witch because you don’t understand it. Is it medicine? Not according to the AMA and FDA definitions because Essential Oils aren’t part of their official bag of tricks. Latin was their earliest way of claiming complete authority of knowledge, knowing everything, omniscience, then came advanced science to replace it – but still there to hide the truth – they simply do not understand it all and they probably never, ever will. Essential Oils, in the proper amounts and combination just work!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Near Death Experience of Hell
Tyrone had a very unusual opportunity, one that most of us do not get to make in our lives at the moment they come to an end. Tyrone received another chance, a chance to ‘begin again’, the opportunity to be ‘reborn’.
Each of us now have the opportunity to do what we need to do, to live our lives the way that we need to, before our final moment arrives. Tyrone’s experience and inpsirational story show us that the choices we make now may well determine whether our eternities are spent in ‘Heaven’ or ‘Hell’.
Each of us now have the opportunity to do what we need to do, to live our lives the way that we need to, before our final moment arrives. Tyrone’s experience and inpsirational story show us that the choices we make now may well determine whether our eternities are spent in ‘Heaven’ or ‘Hell’.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Awake in Dreamtime, how to Lucid Dream
Awake in Dreamtime, how to Lucid Dream
By Dr Kimberli Ridgeway
There are times that I think that the dreamtime experience is more real and tangible than the time I spend awake. From an early age I had dreams that warned of things to come. Being young, and not having anyone in my circle to discuss these things with, I was lost. As I grew older, these experiences changed, morphed into different types of “real” dreams. As I had more experiences, I began to understand the difference between dreams that just processed my days events and those that were what I call “Dreamtime.”
In my 20’s I decided that just experiencing the dreams was not enough, and I wanted to become more active in my dreams. So, one of the things I did was to keep a journal, not only of dreams, but things in the awake time that could be associated with dreamtime. This is something I suggest that anyone who is looking to expand on their dreaming experience do as often as possible. Something you write today may not make sense when you write it, but maybe in a week, month or year, you will have an ah-ha moment and be grateful you have the documentation of your minds adventures.
Another thing I did was focus on my hands. This sounds a bit trifle, but it works. First tell yourself you will notice your hands while dreaming. Once you notice them in dreamtime, then tell yourself you will with conscious effort use your left hand while dreaming. Once you are able to do this, be ready to make big jumps into the awareness while dreaming mode. I still worked on my mind body connection to be able to have more and more control while dreaming.
To advance even further, before I went to bed I would ask about issues in my waking life. I would ask that answers be given to me thru my dreams. I understand that our conscious goes somewhere that allows us to communicate with benevolent spirits while we are dreaming. I also had visits from those who I knew had passed from the physical realm. Being able to receive answers, insight and solutions to some of my more pressing life issues was a very welcomed experience.
Is this something you can do? I believe anyone who puts forth the effort to become awake while dreaming can do this. Once you take the time to do the baby steps, the shifts in your ability to experience will become exponential.
Tools for dreamtime:
Prayer, meditation and intention are the most powerful.
The herbs mullein, mugwort, osha root and leaf of God when made into a tea or smoked have been used traditionally. Be careful and check your state laws as some states outlaw the use of some of these herbs.
The essential oils lavender and orange help to relax the mind, but using clary sage will help launch you into dreamtime. I love to drop the oils on my pillows and bedspread. Makes for such beautiful sleep!
The tektite and moldavite stones help to enhance the otherworldly experience.
For protection, use orgonite under and around the bed.
Happy Dreaming!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Psychic Shielding Protection against Negative Energy Attacks
Psychic Shielding Protection against Negative Energy Attacks
OM Times Magazine | November 6, 2011
by Rev. Christa Urban, RN, Shaman
This is a topic that, as a peace lover, I’d hoped to avoid. I have always believed in the Law of Attraction. I put out Love and Light to the universe and hope to get that back. I have always avoided conflict and hate “Witch Wars”, but alas, I have found myself in several. The most recent psychic battle is part of a TV project I am working in.
So first, how do you know you have been under attack or someone is working against you? Are you feeling unusually out of sorts? Are your dreams invaded by images that are disturbing and attacking you? Do tears come for no reason? Are you having strange pains and physical symptoms that don’t correlate to your current state of health? Have you lost your ability to see from your third eye? These are just a few ways that you could feel a negative energy attack. Aside from the obvious that you just know someone has sent an attack to you.
I use crystals and stones in my practice for healing and protection. The attacks against me resulted in two of my magical rings cracking. I thought at first coincidence, but consulted another in the field and Psychic attack was the conclusion. The stone took the hit so I was not physically affected. I also was affected by a Black Magician sending out negative energy to blind my third eye to remove my ability to see beyond the veil. I have also felt the workings of a Psychic and witch that cast a spell that no one else could see clients in shop that was close to where she worked. When I had my first client there, I felt like I had been set on fire. I felt flames licking at my ankles, working their way up my body. I ran out of the shop and cleared my energy. When I regrouped, I confronted the shop owner and she did tell me that a certain Witch had come to make a blessing on her store and was happy that others would read there. I told the shop owner she had been duped and this was a spell and there would be worse to come. The shop has since been closed and the owner suffered much personal trauma and took a year off.
Protection and shielding can be done in many ways. The simplest way to clear negative energy is to utilize smudging and candles. A large psychic attack or curse, spell other negative names for attack will require calling in of deities, angels and a ritual. My first line defense are my stones and crystals. I wear several pendants and talismans that are charged with protection. I use Black Onyx as a stone that helps protect me from negative energy that is randomly discharged by people around me. As an empath it’s very easy to pick up random negativity. (That’s another article.)
Smudging with white sage to cleanse your space and your person is the way to start. I call it a psychic shower. Get clean and then proceed. If you can find out who sent the attack that will help as you can use their name as you work to clear and this will send the energy back.
I use a blend of Dragons Blood Resin, Frankincense, White Sage and Rose Petals to clear a space that is permeated with negative energy. This will cross over spirits that are causing trouble too.
Here is a simple ritual to help protect you as you rest and dream that can be carried into the day: Make a circle around your bed using white chalk or salt. As you cast this circle, call in the angels of the four directions. If you don’t work with angels, call in your Gods/Goddesses for the directions. I don’t specify because this technique will work in any Pantheon or Ascended realm. When you have called them in, state that you have been under attack and wish for their protection as you sleep. Light a white candle and allow it to burn. For major problems use a 7-day candle and let it burn till it self- extinguishes. In the morning when you rise, call in the energy of protection and tell your helpers that you carry that circle with you and the protection continues.
You will find that the sleep disturbance will abate and the days will be improved. There are many other ways, but I share this one as it help with the attacks from several powerful people that choose to work negative.
Why do people do this? Jealousy, greed, control and all those negative emotions that really don’t need to be part of our lives. My work with people is to help heal these broken parts in their lives. Inner peace is the path to world peace. Cast out only positive energy. What you send out comes back to you at least 3-fold.
Connect with Christa at:
OM Times Magazine | November 6, 2011
by Rev. Christa Urban, RN, Shaman
This is a topic that, as a peace lover, I’d hoped to avoid. I have always believed in the Law of Attraction. I put out Love and Light to the universe and hope to get that back. I have always avoided conflict and hate “Witch Wars”, but alas, I have found myself in several. The most recent psychic battle is part of a TV project I am working in.
So first, how do you know you have been under attack or someone is working against you? Are you feeling unusually out of sorts? Are your dreams invaded by images that are disturbing and attacking you? Do tears come for no reason? Are you having strange pains and physical symptoms that don’t correlate to your current state of health? Have you lost your ability to see from your third eye? These are just a few ways that you could feel a negative energy attack. Aside from the obvious that you just know someone has sent an attack to you.
I use crystals and stones in my practice for healing and protection. The attacks against me resulted in two of my magical rings cracking. I thought at first coincidence, but consulted another in the field and Psychic attack was the conclusion. The stone took the hit so I was not physically affected. I also was affected by a Black Magician sending out negative energy to blind my third eye to remove my ability to see beyond the veil. I have also felt the workings of a Psychic and witch that cast a spell that no one else could see clients in shop that was close to where she worked. When I had my first client there, I felt like I had been set on fire. I felt flames licking at my ankles, working their way up my body. I ran out of the shop and cleared my energy. When I regrouped, I confronted the shop owner and she did tell me that a certain Witch had come to make a blessing on her store and was happy that others would read there. I told the shop owner she had been duped and this was a spell and there would be worse to come. The shop has since been closed and the owner suffered much personal trauma and took a year off.
Protection and shielding can be done in many ways. The simplest way to clear negative energy is to utilize smudging and candles. A large psychic attack or curse, spell other negative names for attack will require calling in of deities, angels and a ritual. My first line defense are my stones and crystals. I wear several pendants and talismans that are charged with protection. I use Black Onyx as a stone that helps protect me from negative energy that is randomly discharged by people around me. As an empath it’s very easy to pick up random negativity. (That’s another article.)
Smudging with white sage to cleanse your space and your person is the way to start. I call it a psychic shower. Get clean and then proceed. If you can find out who sent the attack that will help as you can use their name as you work to clear and this will send the energy back.
I use a blend of Dragons Blood Resin, Frankincense, White Sage and Rose Petals to clear a space that is permeated with negative energy. This will cross over spirits that are causing trouble too.
Here is a simple ritual to help protect you as you rest and dream that can be carried into the day: Make a circle around your bed using white chalk or salt. As you cast this circle, call in the angels of the four directions. If you don’t work with angels, call in your Gods/Goddesses for the directions. I don’t specify because this technique will work in any Pantheon or Ascended realm. When you have called them in, state that you have been under attack and wish for their protection as you sleep. Light a white candle and allow it to burn. For major problems use a 7-day candle and let it burn till it self- extinguishes. In the morning when you rise, call in the energy of protection and tell your helpers that you carry that circle with you and the protection continues.
You will find that the sleep disturbance will abate and the days will be improved. There are many other ways, but I share this one as it help with the attacks from several powerful people that choose to work negative.
Why do people do this? Jealousy, greed, control and all those negative emotions that really don’t need to be part of our lives. My work with people is to help heal these broken parts in their lives. Inner peace is the path to world peace. Cast out only positive energy. What you send out comes back to you at least 3-fold.
Connect with Christa at:
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